Lot Archive


№ 1077


22 September 2006

Hammer Price:

A Great War ‘Western Front’ D.C.M. to Serjeant P. J. Boyce, M.M., 18th Battalion Australian Infantry

Distinguished Conduct Medal
, G.V.R. (4071 Sjt., M.M., 18/Aust. Inf.) very fine £1200-1500

D.C.M. London Gazette 3 October 1918. Recommendation states: ‘For conspicuous bravery and leadership. This N.C.O. was in charge of a section of a silent raiding party of 1 officer and 18 O.R’s. who left our trenches at about 11.30 am. on 18th May, 1918 near Morlancourt and raided an enemy strong point. He organised his party at very short notice and led them in daylight across 90 yds. of level no-mans land without covering fire. The marked courage and leadership displayed by this N.C.O. in handling his party contributed materially towards the capture of 23 prisoners and 1 machine gun and getting his party back to our trenches without casualties to themselves. Four of the enemy were left dead in the strong point. Important identifications were obtained. On the night 18/19th instant after the attack had gone forward, he was one of a very small party who mopped up two parties - 16 in all - with a machine gun, who were sniping the troops consolidating. On the 18th instant, he, with one other, located an enemy post and brought in a machine gun’.

London Gazette 12 June 1918. Recommendation states: ‘On the morning of 27th instant (March 1918), our patrol encountered a strong enemy party on the Vambeek (?) (Messines sector). The patrol officer was engaged in an effort to silence a hostile machine gun and left Sgt. Boyce in charge of the main patrol. By his dash and detirmination the Sgt. brought his men into contact with the enemy and broke their patrol up. Four of the enemy were killed, one was taken prisoner and some wounded’.