Lot Archive


№ 857


7 March 2007

Hammer Price:

The British War Medal awarded to Lieutenant P. Mighell, Royal Flying Corps, who was shot down by German Air Ace, Leutnant Julius Buckler

British War Medal 1914-20
(Lieut.) good very fine £160-200

Lieutenant Philip Mighell, 5th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps (late East Surrey Regiment), died of wounds on 12 October, aged 24 years. The son of Philip and Martha Mighell of Manor Farm, Beddington, Surrey. He was buried in the Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, Pas de Calais, France. Mighell was the observer in an RE8 of No.5 Squadron that was shot down by Buckler of Jasta 17 over Roclincourt on 11 October. This was Lieutenant Buckler’s 16th out of 36 ‘kills’ of the war. Buckler was to win the Pour le Merite, Iron Cross 1st Class, Golden Military Merit Cross and Wound Badge in Gold - the latter for having been wounded five times in battle. He died in Berlin on 23 May 1960, aged 66 years. Sold with some copied research.