Lot Archive
17th Century, Cambridgeshire, Cambridge, Robert Harwood, Farthing, 1660, 1.01g/6h (N 390; BW. 49); Joseph Heath, Farthing, 1666, 0.85g/12h (N 392; BW. 52); Elizebeth Hoghton, Farthing, 1.09g/6h (N 393; BW. 54); Edward Jennings, Farthing, 0.53g/12h (N 394; BW. 55); Francis Jerman, Halfpenny, 1667, 0.80g/12h (N 395; BW. 56); Joseph Linsey, Halfpenny, 1663, 1.89g/9h (N 396; BW. 58); Christofer Maies, Farthing, 1.16g/6h (N 398; BW. 62); John Marston, Halfpenny, 1.60g/12h (N 426; BW. 63); Owen Mayfield, Farthing, 1658, 1.10g/6h (N 399; BW. 64); John Pecke, Halfpenny, 1668, 0.85g/6h (N 402; BW. 67); James Potter, Farthing, 1667, 1.13g/6h (N 404 rev., different obv.; Gilbert 7:10; BW. 69); Thomas Powell, Halfpence (2), 1666, 1.25g/12h (N 405; BW. 72), 1667, 1.62g/9h (N 406; BW. 73); Henery Smith, Farthing, 0.52g/6h (N 410; BW. 77); William Smith, Halfpenny, 1670, 0.87g/12h (N 411; BW. 78); Phillip Williams, Farthing, 1.36g/6h (N 416; BW. 84) [16]. BW. 52 and 72 very fine, BW. 77 poor, BW. 55, 56 and 73 fair, remainder fine or better (£140-180)
BW. 58 and 67 bt G.A. Singer
*BW. 63 bt Seaby 1965
BW. 64 bt Seaby 1950
BW. 69 and 84 bt Spink.
Joseph Heath, common councilman 1685; Elizabeth Houghton (†1667); Edward Jennings (†1669), chandler; Francis Jerman, grocer, treasurer 1662-3, mayor 1678, 1696-7; Joseph Linsey (†1665); Christopher Mayes (†c.1667), chandler, St Sepulchre’s parish, elected alderman 1655 but refused office; John Marston, Trumpington street; Owen Mayfield (†1686, aged 59), innholder, The Mitre, mayor 1672; John Pecke, baker; Henry Smith, haberdasher; William Smith, leatherseller; Philip Williams, baker, treasurer 1658, mayor 1669
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