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№ 50


2 October 2013

Hammer Price:

17th Century Tokens, Lincolnshire, Lincoln, Samuel Aistrop, Farthings (2), 1658, 1.20g/6h (PPM 5; Smith 155; N 2955; BW. 144), undated, mm. mullet both sides, 0.88g/3h (PPM 7; Smith 153; N 2957; BW. 142), Halfpence (3), 1667, 1.66g/12h (PPM 8; Smith –; N –; D 141A), 1668 (2, same dies), 1.77g/12h, 1.56g/12h (PPM 9; Smith 152; N 2958; BW. 141) [5]. PPM 5 fine, PPM 7 good fine, PPM 8 mediocre but extremely rare, only two others known to the cataloguer, PPM 9s very fine, the second of them overstruck on a Halfpenny of Robert Adson of Colchester, 1668 (BW. Essex 89) £150-200

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, Tokens from the Late David Griffiths Collection.

View Tokens from the Late David Griffiths Collection


Provenance: PPM 8 T.W. Townsend Collection, Spink Auction 28, 28 April 1983, lot 29; PPM 9 at 1.56g SCMB June 1981 (M 122), bt Seaby November 1982; others J. Kendall Bourne Collection.

PPM 7 only illustrated. Samuel Aistrop (†1699), mercer