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№ 52


2 October 2013

Hammer Price:

17th Century Tokens, Lincolnshire, Lincoln, Tho[mas] Longley, Halfpenny, 1666, 2.99g/9h (PPM 17; Smith 163; N –; BW. 152); Joseph Ludington, Farthing, Ramage issue, 1.16g/6h (PPM 21; Smith 166; N –; BW. 153), Halfpenny-sized (3, from two obv. and two rev. dies), 1.37g/3h (PPM 24; Smith 164; N –; BW. 154), 1.22g/12h (PPM 25; Smith 164; N –; BW. 154), 1.76g/9h (PPM 26; Smith 165; N –; BW. 154), Farthing-sized, from the same rev. die as the last, 1.23g/12h (PPM 27; Smith 167; N –; BW. 153); Samuel Ludinton, Farthings (2, different rev. dies), Ramage issue, 1.16g/6h (PPM 28; Smith 168; N 2965; BW. 155), Ramage mule, 0.79g/9h (PPM 29; Smith 168; N 2966; BW. 155) [8]. PPM 25 mediocre, others fine and better, some patinated, PPM 21, 24, 26 and 27 the finest specimens of these variants seen by the cataloguer, 21 and 24 very rare £250-300

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, Tokens from the Late David Griffiths Collection.

View Tokens from the Late David Griffiths Collection


Provenance: PPM 17 bt R. Gladdle 1982; *PPM 24 with Seaby 1964, bt R. Gladdle March 1982; PPM 25 N.J. Hutchinson Collection, bt M.J. Dickinson June 1988; others J. Kendall Bourne Collection.

Thomas Longley (or Langley), mercer, sheriff 1676; Joseph Luddington, mercer, sheriff 1659, mayor 1665; Samuel Luddington, mercer, mayor 1647 and 1660, churchwarden 1662