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№ 128


1 October 2014

Hammer Price:

Gloucestershire, Tetbury, Borough Farthings (3), undated, 2.27g/12h (N 1719; BW. 164), 1669 (2), 1.91g/12h (N 1720; BW. 163), 2.22g/12h (N 1724; BW. 163); Tewkesbury, Lawrence Ambrey, Farthing, 1.25g/6h (N 1732; BW. 171). Christopher Atkinson, Halfpenny, 1667, 1.32g/6h (N 1733; BW. 172), Samuell Jeenes, Farthing, 1.17g/6h (N 1746, this piece; BW. 187), Edward Laight, Halfpenny, 1668, 0.62g/6h (N 1748; BW. 190), Nicholas Mearson, Farthing, 1659, 0.83g/12h (N 1749; BW. 191), Samuell Smyth, Halfpenny, 1666, 1.83g/12h (N 1756; BW. 201), Percivall Wright and Daniel Kemble, Halfpenny, 2.26g/12h (N 1759; BW. 205); Winchcombe, Davide Harvy, Halfpenny, 1.26g/12h (N –; BW. 209), William Jones, Farthing, 1666, 0.79g/6h (N 1764; BW. 212); Wootton-under-Edge, Lazarus Kempp, Farthing, 1.23g/7h (N 1773; BW. 224), Edward Wallington, Farthing, 1.22g/12h (N 1775; D 226A); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Chepstow, Walter Morgan, Halfpenny, 1672, 1.80g/9h (Boon 38b; N –; BW. 13); Monmouth, Richard Ballard, Halfpenny, 1668, 1.48g/3h (Boon 81b; N 6390; BW. 15) [16]. N 1764 very fine, N 1724 and 1756 about very fine, N 1732, 1746, 1748, 1749 and BW. 209 fine or better, last rare, others fair to fine

Provenance: BW. 13 and N 6390 SNC February 1967; BW. 209 and N 1732 bt Seaby 1966; N 1719, 1720, 1733, 1748 and 1749 bt Loughborough Coin & Search Society; N 1746 Norweb Collection, bt Spink; N 1756 SNC January 1974 (553); N 1759 and 1773 Habgood Collection, bt N.A. Clark; *N 1764 SCMB December 1972