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1 March 2017

Hammer Price:

A Great War D.S.C. group of eight awarded to Commander H. Forrester, Royal Navy, for services whilst commanding torpedo boat destroyers in the Dover Patrol

Distinguished Service Cross, G.V.R., the reverse hallmarked London 1915, and attractively engraved ‘Lieut,. Henry Forrester, R.N. Presented by King George V. Oct. 4th 1916. “Carried out dangerous patrol duties with marked ability”; 1914-15 Star (Lieut. H. Forrester. R.N.); British War and Victory Medals, with M.I.D. oak leaves (Lt. Commr H. Forrester. R.N.); Defence and War Medals 1939-45; France, Third Republic, Croix de Guerre, reverse dated 1914-1917, with bronze palm on riband; Portugal, Republic, Military Order of Avis, Officer’s breast badge, silver-gilt and enamel, with rosette and riband bar, enamel chips to the last, otherwise good very fine (8) £1400-1800

D.S.C. London Gazette 25 July 1916:
‘Carried out dangerous patrol duties with marked ability.’

M.I.D. London Gazette 25 July 1916 and 26 April 1918.

French Croix de Guerre London Gazette 17 May 1918:
‘Awarded for mine laying operations.’

Portuguese Order of Avis London Gazette 4 February 1921:
‘Officer escorting Portuguese Expeditionary Force to France.’

Henry Forrester was born at Colinton, Midlothian, on 11 October 1887, and passed out of Britannia on 15 May 1904; Midshipman, 30 July 1904; Lieutenant, 1 April 1910; Lieutenant-Commander, 1 April 1918; Commander (Retired), 11 October 1927.

In January 1915 Forrester was given command of the torpedo boat destroyer H.M.S. Kangaroo, part of the Sixth Flotilla in the Dover Patrol. He was appointed to the command of the torpedo boat destroyer H.M.S. Leven on 2 December 1915, and was awarded the D.S.C. for his work with the Dover Patrol in offensive operations on the Belgian Coast during the winter months of 1915-16. In June 1917 he transferred his command to the torpedo boat destroyer H.M.S. Meteor, again with the Dover Patrol, and did good work in mine laying operations as related in Keeping the Seas, by E. R. G. R. Evans [’of the Broke’ fame]:

‘We had a very bright sample of officer attached to our patrol in the person of Lieut.-Commander Henry Forrester, D.S.C., who commanded the mine-laying destroyer Meteor. He was absolutely without fear, and I personally had more to do with with Forrester than with many of the other junior officers commanding ships of the Dover Patrol. In 1917 particularly, I used to escort him to a position near the Thornton Ridge, where he had established a zero mark buoy, from which he worked to lay his lines of forty mines or so. A description of one night will do for all.

The barrage patrol would withdraw at dusk; the vessels would anchor in Dunkirk Roads, or to the northward of the bank which protects the roads, according to the state of tide for that night. A couple of hours before high water, the Meteor would take station abeam of the commanding flotilla leader and a little procession would form up to accompany her to the zero point from which she worked to get into position for laying. The flotilla leader, with her following of modern destroyers, would screen the Meteor up to the Thornton Ridge, or to whatever zero point had been decided on, and then, if no enemy vessels were met with, “g” would be flashed from Forrester’s ship, and he would proceed independently over to the prescribed position where his mines would be deposited. Personally, I loved these night mine-laying stunts; I had grown tired of seeing the enemy on the horizon and never being able to close him, on account of our mine barrage, but night time brought such boundless possibilities. A new division of destroyers might come from Wilhelmshaven to join the Flanders flotilla; a destroyer might be met with, intent on bombarding Lowestoft, Aldburgh, or some other fishermen’s home; small “A” class T.B.D,’s might be met with, or even enemy trawlers: a chance of a scrap we always looked forward to, and our personnel was splendid. I frankly admit that German gunnery was pretty advanced but they never profited sufficiently by it, and they were not out to fight. Our fellows certainly were intent on fighting, and if I have any criticism to make in this little volume on our own sailors, it is that they treated the war as a football match, rather than a contest of brains.

Whenever I accompanied Forrester and his Meteor I felt a thrill of pride run through me, for this little red-faced man must have crossed and re-crossed the German minefields on almost every occasion when he took his Meteor up the coast. His work was splendid, and I shall never forget the feeling of apprehension which crept over me when I saw the little Meteor disappearing into the darkness. The impression left on my mind was a cloud of black smoke, a phosphorescent wake and a tin kettle full of men who were keen as mustard; then the period of suspense - an hour, possibly two. We knew her speed; we knew the position in which the mines were to be laid and we therefore anticipated to within five minutes the instant of her re-appearance. It all comes back to me so vividly. The bow wave reported by the look-out, the quickly-flashed challenge and acknowledgement, the feeling of relief and the signal, “Speed 20 knots,” flashed by the lamp which only showed in the direction decided on; the dark shape of the Meteor as she took station abeam of the Broke, and we swirled away homeward to our anchorage off Dunkirk. We always hoped to meet the enemy, but that privilege was denied us, and I feel that privilege will for ever be denied us now that Peace terms specify a reduction of German armaments. We can hardly hope ever to meet them again.

Little Forrester was awarded the D.S.C. for his services; I think he also got the Croix de Guerre, and I hope he will receive some other recognition; he certainly deserves the best that can be given.’

Commander Forrester was re-employed in 1940 and appointed to H.M.S. Skirmisher, Milford Haven parent ship. He afterwards served in the Plans Division and as Chief Staff Officer (Admin.) to Commodore (D). He was placed on the Retired List in 1946.

Sold with copied record of service, London Gazette entries and other research.