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10 May 2017

Hammer Price:

A fine Boer War D.S.O. group of seven awarded to Colonel A. S. Orr, Royal Irish Regiment, who famously captured the Boer General Ben Viljoen at Lydenburg in January 1902

Distinguished Service Order, V.R., silver-gilt and enamels, top suspension bar adapted for mounting; Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, 1 clasp, Tel-El-Kebir (Lieut. A. S. Orr,. 2/R. Ir: R.); India General Service 1854-94, 1 clasp, Hazara 1888 (Lieutt. A. S. Orr. 2d Bn. R. Ir. R.); India General Service 1895-1902, 2 clasps, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897 (Captn. A. S. Orr 2d Bn. Ryl. Ir. Regt.); Queen's South Africa 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal (Major A. S. Orr. D.S.O. Rl. Irish Rgt.) light correction to ‘D.S.O.’; King's South Africa 1901-02, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (Maj. A. S. Orr. D.S.O. Rl. Irish Rgt.); Khedive's Star 1882, minor chipping to wreaths of the D.S.O., the Egypt with light pitting from star, otherwise very fine (7) £2600-3200

Sold with original commission as Lieutenant in the Royal Irish Regiment, dated 21 October 1881, and original Warrant for the D.S.O., dated 26 September 1901.

London Gazette 27 September 1901.

London Gazette 10 September 1901 and 25 April 1902.

Alexander Stewart Orr was born on 10 May 1861, son of William Orr, of Hougomont, Ballymena. He was gazetted to the Royal Irish Regiment on 22 October 1881; served in the Egyptian Expedition, 1882, being present at the action at Kassassin and at the Battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star); was promoted Captain on 30 October 1888; took part in the Hazara Expedition, 1888 (Medal with clasp); participated in operations on the North-West Frontier of India, 1897-98, being present at the operations on the Samana (Medal with two clasps); was promoted Major 31 May 1900. Major Orr served in the South African War, 1899-1902, taking part in operations in the Orange Free State, March to May 1900; operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, in November 1900; operations in Orange River Colony, May to November 1900; operations in Cape Colony, south of Orange River, 1900, including actions at Colesberg (24 January to 12 February). He was afterwards Station Staff Officer. Operations in the Transvaal 30 November 1900 to 31 May 1902. He was mentioned in Despatches, received the Queen's Medal with three clasps, the King's Medal with two clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order: "Alexander Stewart Orr, Major, Royal Irish Regiment. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa". The Insignia were presented by the King on 24 October 1902; the Warrant, etc, sent on 4 November 1902. He was promoted Lieutenant Colonel on 19 February 1905, given the Brevet of Colonel, 19 February 1908, and retired with the rank of Colonel in 1909. Colonel Orr died on 10 January 1914, and is buried in Epsom cemetery.

Although there are no specific details for the award of his D.S.O., Colonel Orr did receive considerable publicity, and a second mention, for a significant exploit in 1902, which resulted in the capture of the Boer General Ben Viljoen, who, with a unit known as the Johannesburg Commando, operated in the north-east of Transvaal. The British had a garrison at Lydenburg, which was in Viljoen's area of operations, and Orr, then a Major, was stationed there with the 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment. In the spare words of Lord Kitchener, as contained in a telegram dated 27 January 1902 and published by
The Times of 29 January, 'At Lydenburg, receiving news of intended meeting between Schalk Burger and General Ben Viljoen, parties sent out under Major Orr, Royal Irish Regiment, ambuscaded General Viljoen's party near blockhouse line south of Lydenburg on Friday night. Adjutant Nel was killed. Adjutant Besters, and one other, besides general, captured'.

The following account of General Viljoen's capture at Lydenburg on 25 January 1902 is taken from his own book,
My Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer War:

‘We were just approaching Bloomplaats, which is about two and half miles to the west of Lydenburg, when we observed something moving. A deadly silence enveloped the country, and the brightly-shining moon gave a weird appearance to the moving objects in the distance which had attracted our attention. Our suspicions were aroused and we went in pursuit, but soon lost sight of the object of our quest. We discovered afterwards that our suspicions were well-founded, and that the moving objects were kaffir spies, who returned to the British lines and reported our approach. Having failed in this enterprise we returned to the road, I riding in advance with Adjutant Bester, the others following. Presently we approached a deep spruit, and having dismounted, we were cautiously leading our horses down the steep bank, when suddenly we found ourselves the centre of a perfect storm of bullets. We were completely taken by surprise, and almost before we realised what had happened, we found ourselves confronted by two rows of British soldiery, who shouted "Hands up," and fired simultaneously. Bullets whistled in every direction. The first volley laid my horse low, and I found myself on the ground half stunned. When I recovered somewhat and lifted my head, I discovered myself surrounded, but the dust and the flash of firing prevented me from seeing much of what occurred. It seemed hopeless to attempt escape, and I cried excitedly that I was ready to surrender. So loud, however, was the noise of shouting that my cries were drowned. One soldier viciously pressed his gun against my breast as if about to shoot me, but thrusting the barrel away, I said in English that I saw no chance of escape, that I did not defend myself, and there was no reason therefore why he should kill me. While I was talking he again drove his rifle against me, and I, having grasped it firmly, a very animated argument took place, for he strongly resented my grasping his gun. Outstretching my hand I asked "Tommy" to help me up, and this he did. I afterwards learned that the name of my assailant was Patrick, and that he belonged to the Irish Rifles.

My capture

Four or five soldiers now took charge of me, and at my request consented to conduct me to an officer. Just as they were about to lead me away, however, they all fell flat upon their chests, and directed their fire at an object, which turned out later to be a bush. I very soon discovered that the "Tommies" were not very circumspect in their fire, and I sought safety by lying on the ground. Having discovered the innocent nature of their target, my guards conducted me before one of their officers, a young man named Walsh, who seemed to belong to the British Intelligence Department. This officer enquired, "Well, what is it?" I answered him in his own language, "My name is Viljoen, and not wishing to be plundered by your soldiers, I desire to place myself under the protection of an officer." He was quite a minor officer this Mr. Walsh, but he said kindly, "All right, it is rather a lucky haul, sir; you look quite cool, are you hurt?" I replied that I was not hurt, though it was a miracle that I was still alive, for a bullet had struck my chest, and would have penetrated had my pocket-book not stopped it. The fact was, that my pocket-book had served the providential service of the proverbial bible or pack of cards. Bester was with me, and not seeing my other adjutants, I enquired what had become of them. Walsh did not reply at once, and one of the "Tommies" standing close by said, "Both killed, sir." This information was a terrible blow to me.

Major Orr, of the Royal Irish Regiment, was in charge of the force that had captured me, and presently I was taken before him. He greeted me most courteously and said, "I believe we are old friends, General Viljoen; at least you captured some of my comrades in that regrettable affair at Belfast*." I was greatly touched by Major Orr's kindness, and asked that I might see those of my men who had been killed. He immediately consented, and led me a few paces aside. My gaze was soon arrested by a heartrending spectacle. There on the ground lay the two lifeless forms of my brave and faithful adjutants, Jacobus Nel and L. Jordaan. As I bent over their prostrate bodies my eyes grew dim with the sad tears of my great bereavement. Major Orr stood uncovered by my side, touched by my deep emotion and paying homage to the brave dead. "These men were heroes," I said to him with broken voice. "They followed me because they loved me, and they fearlessly risked their lives for me several times." The good Major was full of sympathy, and made provision for the decent burial of my poor comrades at Lydenburg.

Bester and I were now conducted under an escort of 150 soldiers with fixed bayonets to the village, which was two and a half miles off. We reached Lydenburg very wet and gloomy, after having waded through a drift whose waters reached up to our armpits. Major Orr did his best to console us both with refreshment and kind words.

Our procession was presently joined by an officer of the British Intelligence Department, and this gentleman told me that he knew of the approach of my party, and that the chief object of the British in attacking us was to capture our itinerant Government, who they learned were to accompany us. He was very anxious to know where the Government was, and whether it was intended that they should pass that way. But I answered his queries by telling him that it was quite unworthy of a gentleman to put such questions to me, and to attempt to exploit my most unfortunate position.

Arriving at the village, I was treated with great courtesy, and was introduced by Major Orr to Colonel Guinness, the commanding officer. Colonel Guinness declared that he regarded it as an honour to have a man of my rank as a prisoner-of-war, and that we had fought so frequently that we were quite old friends. I thanked him for his compliment, expressing, however, my regret that we had renewed acquaintance under such unfortunate circumstances.’

General Viljoen was exiled to St Helena for a short time and then led a most interesting and adventurous life until his death in 1917.