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№ 30


28 February 2018

Hammer Price:

An outstanding Second World War ‘Arakan’ Immediate D.C.M. group of five awarded to Sergeant F. E. Hedley, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, attached 1st Battalion, Nigeria Regiment, whose ‘successful action, and the gallantry displayed, ranks equal with the highest annals of the War against Japan’

Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.VI.R. (6853483 Sjt. F. E. Hedley. K.R.R.C.) note minor variation in regimental number; 1939-45 Star; Burma Star; Defence and War Medals, mounted as worn, suspension re-affixed slightly to right of original pin, otherwise nearly extremely fine (5) £3000-3600

Provenance: J. B. Hayward & Son, July 1968.

London Gazette 2 August 1945: ‘6353483 Sgt. Frederick Edward Hedley, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps attd 1st Bn The Nigeria Regiment.’ The original recommendation for an Immediate D.C.M. states:

‘Burma: Arakan. On 5 Mar 45, Sgt Hedley was commanding a Platoon in a Company which had been ordered to cross an unfordable tidal chaung. The Coy reached its objective and Sgt Hedley was ordered to take his Platoon to a feature some 800 yds distant from the rest of the Coy. The enemy later infiltrated between the Coy position and the chaung and that evening attacked the Coy in force and overran it. Sgt Hedley at nightfall was unaware of this.

During the night 5/6 Mar, this NCO’s Platoon was recced and jittered by the enemy who at 0510 hrs on 6 Mar made a determined attack. This attack was beaten off, four enemy dead were left on the edge of the perimeter, two others a short distance away and without doubt many more in the surrounding jungle as the sound of bodies being dragged away was clearly heard. At 0710 hrs a fresh attack by a reinforced enemy was delivered and pressed with determination for 2 1/2 hours before it was finally repulsed. After these attacks the Platoon had captured one British LMG, five enemy rifles, much SAA and again inflicted many casualties. At 1025 hrs the enemy resumed his jittering tactics, using SAA and mortar fire, and succeeded in destroying a Bren gun with a direct hit.

At noon another determined attack was made by the enemy who put in their bayonet charge with grenades, SA fire and savage yells, but Sgt Hedley so encouraged his Platoon that after half an hour the enemy decided to drag away their dead and give up the attack for the time. The afternoon was spent in relative quiet except for sniping and jittering until a fresh attack in strength was made at 1900 hrs. The devoted Platoon repulsed this also but the enemy succeeded in emplacing two LMGs under cover from which they were able to rake the position and harass the defenders. At 1930 hrs three flares were thrown into the position but were quickly extinguished by the troops.

The night 6/7 Mar was quiet to begin with, but at 0100 hrs jitter parties began in earnest and continued to probe the position until 1740 hrs when the enemy mortared the defenders and followed up with another grenade and bayonet charge supported by the two LMGs they had successfully emplaced earlier on. A confused and furious fight took place at the end of which the enemy were again thrown back and retired to the jungle to lick their wounds, tend their casualties and drag away their dead. By 1245 hrs 7 Mar, as no further attacks had been made Sgt Hedley decided to disengage his Platoon which he did with consummate skill and succeeded in eluding the Japanese until he neared the chaung when by good fortune he fell in with a patrol from his own unit who gave him the necessary covering fire while he got his men across. During all this period the men had no sleep, little food and no water other than that in their water bottles. Two men were drowned due to sheer exhaustion during the final crossing.

That this Platoon was not destroyed was entirely due to Sgt Hedley’s cool courage and calm leadership. His great personal gallantry and encouragement of his men fired them with his own determination so that they eventually withdrew in good order and masters of their battlefield. This successful action, and the gallantry displayed, ranks equal with the highest annals of the War against Japan.’

Note: No batallion of the K.R.R.C. served in Burma and it may well be that this is the only Regimental D.C.M. for that campaign.