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№ 38 x


28 February 2018

Hammer Price:

A Second World War Burma campaign I.D.S.M. awarded to Jemadar Anar Khan, 8-10th Baluch Regiment

Indian Distinguished Service Medal, G.VI.R. (11449 Hav. Anar Khan, 8-10 Baluch R.) contact marks, therefore nearly very fine £600-800

I.D.S.M. London Gazette 16 December 1943. The original recommendation states:

‘KALADAN VALLEY, BURMA. At KYAUKTAW on 6/7 March 1943 this N.C.O. maintained remarkable coolness and complete control of his Pl during the whole of the engagement. On 6 March he was sent with his Pl as a fighting patrol to locate and engage the enemy thought to be forming up for attack. He encountered an enemy force and engaged them by fire making them disclose their position and numbers. He then returned to his Coy bringing ample warning of the enemy approach.

When the enemy attack developed he withheld the fire of his Pl until they were 30 yards away. He then opened heavy fire on them stopping them and inflicting heavy casualties. He then heavily grenaded them. When the Coy was ordered to withdraw Hav. ANAR KHAN remained with his Pl as a rear party and enabled the remainder to break off the engagement. He then withdrew his Pl in good order.’