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№ 781


10 May 2018

Hammer Price:

A good ‘Malaya operations’ M.M. pair awarded to Rifleman Indrabahadur Gurung, 2nd Battalion, 6th Gurkha Rifles, who served as a tracker and lead scout, and as a consequence of ‘his ruthless determination to hunt and destroy the enemy regardless of physical difficulties of jungle and swamp in which most operations have taken place’, personally accounted for at least 6 ‘bandits’ between 1951-52

Military Medal, E.II.R., 1st issue (21145599 Rfn. Indrabahadur Gurung. 6th G.R.); General Service 1918-62, 1 clasp, Malaya, G.VI.R. (21145599 Rfn Indrabahadur Gurung M.M. 6 G R) good very fine (2) £1800-2200

M.M. London Gazette 21 October 1952:

‘In recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Malaya, during the period 1st January to 30th June, 1952.’

The recommendation states:

‘21145599 Rifleman Indrabahadur Gurung has been engaged for eighteen months on operations with 12 Platoon, B Company 2
nd Battalion 6th Gurkha Rifle in the Kluang Area of Johore. Throughout this time his performance as a tracker and leading scout has been outstanding.

This platoon has in the period under review killed and captured more armed Communists than any other sub unit of the battalion and Rifleman Indrabahadur Gurung has by his personal skill and fearless conduct become an example to every other rifleman of his company.

Apart from the fact that he has personally killed six bandits in the past year, Rifleman Indrabahadur Gurung has constantly been outstanding in his ruthless determination to hunt and destroy the enemy regardless of physical difficulties of jungle and swamp in which most operations have taken place. His perseverance and devotion to duty during long periods of monotonous patrol and ambush work or when the physical power of his comrades was stretched to the limit has always been a tonic to all ranks and a help to his NCOs.

In April 1951 in the jungle to the North East of Kluang he took part in a three weeks patrol during the greater part of which he carried out the arduous task of commanding the contact group of his platoon. After many days on patrol he found recent traces of bandit movement and leaving the platoon led his group of two scouts on to find the enemy without being observed. With skill and determination he tracked until he found a bandit camp and then returned to his platoon with such accurate information that the commander was able to plan his attack at a distance.

When the attack was launched Rifleman Indrabahadur led the charging party, and disregarding enemy fire within the camp continued his attack beyond it to where a party of armed Communists was rallying. He immediately threw a grenade and killed two of the enemy. Seeing that there was still a danger of their mounting a counter attack he charged them killing three more with his rifle.

This display of courage and deadly use of his own weapons attended by a complete selflessness and disregard for his own life so unnerved the enemy as to make them break up and flee in disorder. It also inspired the other men of the platoon to greater efforts and has done so much to raise their morale and confidence to a high degree which has left its mark on all subsequent operations.

Throughout these operations this rifleman has never failed in his duty and more. His tireless energy, courage and skill have set an example hard to beat and fully in keeping with the highest traditions of his Regiment and nation.’