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№ 34


16 July 2020

Hammer Price:

A Great War 1917 ‘Battle of Langemark’ M.M. awarded to Driver S. Pyrah, Royal Field Artillery

Military Medal, G.V.R. (34479 Dvr: S. Pyrah. 29/D.A.C. R.F.A.) very fine £300-£400

M.M. London Gazette 18 October 1917.

The original Recommendation states: ‘On the night of 17-18 August 1917 whilst a column of 30 Pack Horses and Mules was offloading ammunition at Wigendrift Crossroads they came under heavy fire. Sergeant Maton and Driver Platt being wounded, there was considerable confusion owing to a number animals stampeding but Driver Pyrah immediately handed his mule to another man and proceeded along the Wigendrift Road, which was under fire, for another 200 yards to obtain a stretcher. When he returned the convoy had moved away but he remained with the two wounded men giving them such aid as he was able by himself until Bearer Parties could be obtained, when he assisted to carry Sergeant Maton to the Dressing Station. Driver Platt had meantime died. Driver Pyrah showed considerable presence of mind in going to fetch a stretcher on his own initiative in spite of the confusion prevailing at the time.’ (
29th Divisional Artillery War Record and Honours Book 1915-1918 by Lieutenant-Colonel R. M. Johnson C.M.G., D.S.O. refers).

Sydney Pyrah was born in Normanton, Yorkshire in 1895 and served with the Royal Field Artillery during the Great War on the Western Front from 24 March 1915. He was awarded the M.M. for his actions on the the night of 17-18 August 1917 while serving with the Small-Arms Ammunition Section, Divisional Ammunition Column, R.F.A., 29th Division, at the Battle of Langemarck, 16-18 August 1917.

Sold with copied research.