Lot Archive
DORSET, Lyme Regis, Borough Farthings, 1669 (3), 1.31g/12h (N 921; BW. 91), 1.71g/6h (N 922; BW. 91), 1.82g/12h (N 925; BW. 93), Amuell Hart, Farthing, 1655, 1.04g/6h (N 926; BW. 96), Ammiel Hart, Farthing, 1668, 0.66g/3h (N 928; BW. 97), Abraham Pitts, Farthing, 1657, 0.48g/6h (N 929; BW. 99); Poole, Civic Farthing, 1667, 0.81g/3h (N 934; BW. 108), Samuell Bramble, Farthing, 1666, 0.32g/6h (N 936; BW. 111), Moses Durell, Farthing, 1666, 0.54g/6h (N –; BW. 114), George Ollive, Farthing, 1665, 0.94g/12h (N 940; BW. 120), George Phillips, Farthing, 1653, 0.83g/6h (N –; BW. 123); Shaftesbury, Borough Farthing, 1669, 2.47g/12h (N 948; BW. 132), Edward Burd, Farthing, 1.00g/12h (N 949; BW. 136), Joseph Byles, Farthing, 0.95g/12h (N 950 rev., different obv.; BW. 137), Nathaniel Forde, Farthing, 0.86g/12h (N 955; BW. 142), Peter King Jr, Farthing, 1657, 0.87g/3h (N 957; BW. 146-7), Richard Prittell, Farthing, 0.88g/6h (N 961; BW. 151), Richard Sopp, Farthing, 1665, 0.38g/12h (N 962; BW. 152) [18]. Varied state, some excavated, a few rare £100-£150
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, A Collection of 17th Century Tokens formed by a Gentleman Deceased.
Provenance: N 921 bt Seaby 1973; N 925 bt Seaby November 1986; N 926 bt July 1997; N 928 SCMB June 1985 (M 94); N 929 bt July 2000; N 934 bt Seaby; N 936 bt A. Cherry December 1997; BW. 114 bt A. Cherry July 1994; N 940 bt A. Cherry December 2002; N 948 bt Seaby August 1971; N 949 bt A. Cherry May 2001; N 950 var bt A. Cherry September 1997; N 955 bt A. Cherry March 1997; N 957 bt November 1997; N 961 bt March 1996; N 962 bt July 1997; BW. 123 bt A. Cherry May 2007
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