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№ 28


17 March 2021

Hammer Price:

A well-documented Great War ‘Dardanelles’ D.S.M. group of four awarded to Junior Reserve Attendant G. E. Stockham, Plymouth Battalion, Royal Naval Division, who served with the Royal Marine Brigade at Dunkirk and the Defence of Antwerp, 19 September - 12 October 1914, before proceeding to the Dardanelles, where he was awarded the D.S.M. for his gallantry in rescuing the wounded under fire at Achi Baba, 9-10 May 1915, was mortally wounded, and died of his wounds on 31 May 1915

Distinguished Service Medal, G.V.R. (M9871 G. E. Stockham, Junr. R.A. Ply. Bn. R.N. Divn.) minor official correction to number; 1914 Star (M.9781. G. E. Stockham, Jun. R.A. R.M. Brigade.); British War and Victory Medals (M.9781 G. E. Stockham. S.B.A. R.N.); Memorial Plaque (George Edward Stockham) in card envelope, with Buckingham Palace enclosure; Memorial Scroll ‘Pte. George Edward Stockham, R.M., R.N. Division’; together with the recipient’s card identity tag, nearly extremely fine (5) £1,200-£1,600

D.S.M. London Gazette 3 June 1915:
‘During the night of 9-10 May 1915, in operations south of Achi Baba, worked splendidly under fire to recover wounded until himself severely wounded.’

London Gazette 5 August 1915.

George Edward Stockham was born in Bristol on 28 June 1874 and prior to joining up was a member of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Ambulance Division, Bolton Ambulance Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. He joined the Royal Navy on 9 August 1914, and served with the Plymouth Battalion, Royal Naval Division, as part of the Royal Marine Brigade during the Great War on the Western Front from 17 September 1914, and was present at Dunkirk and the Defence of Antwerp.

Proceeding with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force on 6 February 1915, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for his gallantry at Achi Baba, in the Dardanelles, on 9-10 May 1915, where he himself was wounded. He died of wounds on 31 May 1915, and is buried in Alexandria (Chatby) Military and War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.

Sold together with the recipient’s Mentioned in Despatches Certificate; original Parchment Certificate of Service; various Record Office letters to the recipient’s widow; Admiralty letter of condolence; and other letters and copied newspaper cuttings, including a photographic image of the recipient.