Lot Archive


№ 697


18 September 1998

Hammer Price:

A fine Coastal Forces D.S.M. group of six awarded to Chief Motor Mechanic Ronald Bone, H.M. Motor Gun Boat 327, for great courage in saving his ship when fire broke out in the petrol compartment during an action with E-Boats off the Dutch coast in September 1942

Distinguished Service Medal, G.VI.R. (MX.92401 F. Bone, A/Ch. Mtr. Mech.) impressed naming; 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star, clasp France and Germany; Defence and War Medals; National Fire Brigades Association L.S., bronze medal with bar ‘Ten Years’ (13380 Ronald Bone) the first five mounted as worn, good very fine (6) £800-1000

D.S.M. London Gazette 10 November 1942 ‘For bravery in action against the Enemy, while serving in H.M. Motor Gun Boats.’

The following details are taken from the original recommendation for the award of the D.S.M. ‘M.G.B. 327 was hit early in the action in the petrol compartment by an incendiary bullet and fire immediately broke out. The automatic fire fighting devices were put into action from the bridge but as these did not extinguish the fire, Acting Chief Motor Mechanic Bone with complete disregard of his own safety, entered the petrol compartment with a fire extinguisher and succeeded in putting out the fire. Subsequent inspection of the petrol compartment tanks has shown, that so serious was the fire, that it was only his prompt action that saved the ship.’

The above action took place on the 10th/11th September 1942, when a division of four ships led by Lieutenant E. M. Thorpe in M.G.B. 334, engaged 11 or 12 German E-Boats off the Dutch coast. In the ensuing action M.G.B. 335 was lost, but the survivors of her crew, most of whom were wounded, were taken off by M.G.B. 334. Thorpe was awarded the D.S.O. for this action. The three boats that returned to harbour were all badly damaged, none more so than Bone’s M.G.B. 327 which had eight holes in the hull, three petrol tanks holed and extensive damage to the wheelhouse and bridge. The Coxwain of M.G.B. 335 was awarded the C.G.M. for assisting in removing the wounded to M.G.B. 334, though wounded twice himself. The group is sold with copies of the official action report.