Lot Archive


№ 202


25 February 1999

Estimate: £240–£280

Military Cross, G.V.R., with Second Award Bar, the reverse of the cross inscribed “Francis Thomas Goble, 9th Batt. Scottish Rifles, Arras 7th April 1917’, the reverse of the bar inscribed ‘Poix du Nord, October 23rd-26th 1918’, in case of issue, very fine £240-280

M.C. London Gazette 18 June 1917: ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while in command of a daylight raid. He led his men with great skill and gallantry, and was able to bring back valuable information.’

Bar to M.C.
London Gazette 8 March 1919, details London Gazette 4 October 1919: ‘Throughout the operations on Vendegies Wood and poix du Nord, on 23rd/26th October, 1918, he displayed marked gallantry and fortitude in the handling of his company. He repeatedly led them forward in the face of heavy hostile fire. On one occasion, when no troops were on his flanks, he led his company forward and succeeded in capturing his objective, and by his initiative and able direction kept down hostile fire. This enabled the troops on the flanks to come forward and make good the line which he had established. Though wounded he remained at duty until the battalion was relieved.’ Sold with further details including extracts from Bn. War Diaries.