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№ 758


8 November 2023

Hammer Price:

A Carnegie Hero Fund Medallion and Order of Industrial Heroism pair awarded to F. Morgan, for his gallantry in saving life on 18 December 1935

Carnegie Hero Fund Medallion, 90mm, bronze (Frank Morgan - Sheldon Warwickshire - 18th December 1935.) the reverse dated 1936, in fitted case of issue; Daily Herald Order of Industrial Heroism, Bronze, the reverse engraved ‘To F. Morgan 15 March 1936’, nearly extremely fine, scarce (2) £1,600-£2,000

Frank Morgan, a native of Sheldon, Warwickshire, was employed as a fitter at the Birmingham Corporation’s Nechells Gas Works, and was awarded the Order of Industrial Heroism (the ‘Workers’ V.C.’) and the Carnegie Hero Fund bronze medallion, together with a gratuity of £20, for his gallantry in saving the life of a work colleague on 18 December 1935. The official citation for the former award states:

‘Bro. Morgan was repairing some wires to a Telpher Skip, some 75 ft. from the ground, on 18 December 1935. He and his mate, Stone, had been working on same planks, but Stone had gone down the ladder and Morgan on to the trellis-work of the upright. Stone seeing his mate moving the blocks to take another lift of the rope, went up the ladder to help him. While crossing the planks he caught hold of the wires. Morgan, hearing the shouts, immediately went to his aid and had to wait for the current to be cut off, as to touch him while the current was on would have meant two in trouble. As the current was cut off Morgan caught Stone in his arms and threw him on to the top of the cab to save both from falling, holding him until help arrived. If Morgan had not been there in the nick of time, Stone, who was suffering from burns to the arms and hands, would have fallen to certain death.’ (General and Municipal Workers Journal 1936 refers).

Morgan was presented with his Order of Industrial Heroism on 15 March 1936 (the date on the medal referring to the date of presentation, not the date of the action), and was also presented with a gold watch by the Birmingham Gas Committee.

Sold with the recipient’s Order of Industrial Heroism Bestowal Document, this mounted in a glazed frame; and various contemporary newspaper cuttings, including photographs of the recipient.