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№ 780


22 June 1999

Hammer Price:

A fine Gallipoli D.S.M. group of four awarded to Temporary 2nd Lieutenant E. C. Bonnett, Royal Marine Light Infantry, killed in the attack on Passchendaele Ridge in October 1917

Distinguished Service Medal, G.V.R. (CH.15161 Sergt. E. C. Bonnett, R.M.L.I. PO. Bn. R.N. Div.); 1914-15 Star Trio (CH.15161 Sgt., R.M.L.I.) nearly extremely fine (4) £600-700

D.S.M. London Gazette 19 November 1915: ‘For services in the Gallipoli Peninsula.’

On 23rd June 1915, a very gallant and daring night advance was made by “A” Company, Portsmouth battalion, Royal Marines, under Major J. Grover, opposite the centre section of the Royal Naval Division front, at a section called the Rectangle. The object was a Turkish trench which was considered to be an excellent jumping off position for the next attack on Krithia.

At 10 p.m. on June 23rd, the attacking party carried the trench at the point of the bayonet in spite of heavy casualties.
As the enemy position was secured Major Grover was killed by a grenade explosion which also wounded Sergeant E. C. Bonnett, senior NCO of the company. They were then counter-attacked by a very considerable force of Turkish infantry but were held by the gallant conduct of Sergeant Bonnett for one and a half hours until at length the Marines were forced to withdraw under extremely heavy pressure. Sergeant Bonnett himself carried Major Grover’s body back to the lines of the Royal Naval Division upon the withdrawal.

“A” Company of the Royal Marines suffered the loss of both officers, Major Grover and 2nd Lieutenant Jermain, 31 NCO’s and men killed or wounded, and 22 missing. For this action Sergeant E. C. Bonnett was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for his gallantry and coolness under fire. Sergeant Bonnett had previously participated in the landings at ANZAC Cove in support of the Australians, and was present during Mustafa Kemals third attack on Australian positions at Lone Pine Plateau and northwards to Courtenays Post, on 30th April and 1st May, 1915.

Sergeant Ernest Charles Bonnett, D.S.M., was posted to the 2/28th Artist’s Rifles in November 1916, as an officer cadet. He was gazetted on 26 April 1917, as Temporary 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marines, and attached to the Howe Battalion, 188th Brigade, Royal Naval Division, then serving in France.
On 26th October 1917, Bonnett was killed in action in the famous attack of the 63rd R.N. Division on Passchendaele Ridge. He is buried in the St Julien Dressing Station Cemetery, Langemarck.