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№ 423


2 April 2004

Hammer Price:

Military General Service 1793-1814, 1 clasp, Fort Detroit (E. Denham, Serjt. 41st Foot) dark toned, minor edge nicks, otherwise extremely fine £3000-3500

First recorded at Sotheby in July 1892, subsequently in the Day collection 1910, the Coutts collection 1921, and the Phillips collection 1965.

Edmund Denham was born at Walsall, Staffordshire, enlisted into the 41st Foot on 11 April 1809, a volunteer from the Militia, and joined the regiment in Canada in July 1809. He served in Captain Derenzy’s Company and took part in the attack on Fort Detroit on 16 August 1812, and in the following year was severely wounded in the assault on Fort Stephenson, by the Sandusky River in Ohio, on 2 August 1813.

He was discharged at Portsmouth as ‘unfit for further service abroad’ on 17 July 1815, and in consequence of ‘amputated left arm in consequence of Gun Shot wound received in the Assault on Fort Sandusky, U. States 2d August 1813.’ At this time the commanding officer certified that ‘Sergeant Edmund Denham has served faithfully as a brave and good soldier; and is disabled in consequence of a wound received at the Assault of Fort Sandusky, United States.’

Fort Stephenson, the American post on the Sandusky River, was in a strong position on the lip of a wooded ravine, which had been filled with brushwood, and was surrounded by a 12 foot pallisade. A strong bastion and two blockhouses enfiladed a dry ditch 12 foot wide by 7 foot deep. On the 1st August the fort was summoned under the threat of bombardment to which the American commander, Major Croghan, an officer no more than 19 years old, replied "that he was ready to be blown to hell at any moment." A brave reply, as his garrison numbered no more than 160 with one field gun.

Instead of an immediate attack, General Proctor bombarded the fort on the 1st and until 3 p.m. on the 2nd with no effect. The General then determined on an assault in two columns. One column of 160 of the 41st was to attack the south side under Lieutenant-Colonel Warburton, whilst the other of 180 of the 41st, mainly belonging to the Light Company, under Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Short, was to attack the north side. The guns were to move forward and fire on the north-east angle.

At 4 o'clock the assaulting troops were suffered to approach to within 50 yards before they were met by the destructive fire of the enemy. Far from being checked by the severe fire of the Americans, the divisions redoubled their exertions, and - vying with each other to take the lead - dashed down the ravine, and clambering up the opposite steep were soon beneath the walls of the fort. Not a facine, however, had been provided, and although axes had been distributed among the men selected for the purpose, they were so blunted by constant use that it would have been the work of hours to cut through the double line of picquets. In defiance of this difficulty the axemen leaped without hesitation into the ditch, and attempted to acquit themselves of their duty; but they were speedily swept away by the guns from the batteries, charged with musket balls and slugs directed with fatal precision. The troops had established themselves on the edge of the ditch, but it was impossible to scale without the aid of ladders or facines; and within a few paces of the enemy only they saw their comrades fall on every hand, with no hope of avenging their deaths.

The second division had only two officers attached to it. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Short, of the 41st was killed while descending the ravine, at the head of his column, when the command devolving on Lieutenant Gordon, of the same regiment, that officer - encouraging his men and calling on them to follow his example - was one of the first in the ditch, and was in the act of cutting the picqueting with his sabre when a ball struck him in the breast. Although dangerously wounded, he refused to abandon his post, and continued to animate his men by his example, until a second ball, fired from the same piece and lodging in his brain, left the division without an officer.

Captain Derenzy reformed and headed the men of the 41st and once more attemped to carry the fort only to be met with a reception even more murderous. The other column did not reach the south side of the fort until the first attack had failed; therefor there was nothing for it to do but to retire. For two more hours the columns endeavored to carry the fort but the loss was so great that the men were ordered to cease fire and to lie down on the edge of the ravine.

Under cover of darkness, at 9 o'clock, Proctor withdrew his troops and retired to his boats leaving 96 killed and wounded behind him. Throughout the action the Indians offered no assistance whatever, but there is no doubt about the bravery of the troops engaged on both sides.The only American killed in the fort was a boy 14 years of age. He raised his arm above the pickets in defiance of the enemy; a cannon ball struck it and tore it from his body, and the poor fellow survived but a few moments.