Auction Catalogue

8 November 2023

Starting at 10:00 AM


Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria

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№ 303


8 November 2023

Hammer Price:

A fine Great War ‘Western Front’ D.S.O. group of five awarded to Lieutenant Colonel J. A. Scarlett, Royal Field Artillery, late Royal Horse Artillery, who kept a terrific record of his experiences in France, Belgium and Salonika, from the very earliest days of the Great War

Distinguished Service Order, G.V.R., silver-gilt and enamel, with integral top riband bar; 1914 Star, with clasp (Capt: J. A. Scarlett. R.H.A.); British War and Victory Medals, with M.I.D. oak leaves (Lt. Col. J. A. Scarlett.); France, Third Republic, Croix de Guerre, reverse dated 1914-1918, bronze, with bronze star on ribbon, nearly extremely fine (5) £1,200-£1,600

D.S.O. London Gazette 23 June 1915.

James Alexander Scarlett was born at Rossington, Doncaster, on 16 June 1877. Educated at Aysgarth School and Charterhouse, he went to Trinity College, Cambridge, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1899. Appointed to a commission with 116th Battery, Royal Field Artillery, on 17 February 1900, Scarlett served overseas in South Africa and India before crossing the Channel to France on 17 August 1914. Advanced Major on 30 November 1914, Scarlett was decorated with the D.S.O. and awarded the first of three ‘mentions’ in April 1915, before being posted to Salonika on 1 December 1915. Here, he witnessed the capture of Karajakois and capture of Yenikoi on 4 October 1916. The latter village fell after a 30-minute bombardment and a disastrous Bulgarian counter-attack, where the guns of 3 Brigade R.F.A. created havoc with their deadly shrapnel shells, causing the enemy ranks to break and flee. The War Diary adds: ‘The Bulgars withdrew having given the Brigade dream targets.’

Advanced Acting Lieutenant Colonel on 18 August 1917, Scarlett then transferred to 99th Battery, Royal Field Artillery, and took part in the attack on Doiran ‘P’ Ridge on 18 September 1917. This involved two days of wire cutting, which was followed by a creeping barrage moving 100 yards every two minutes, with 100-yard lifts, each gun firing four rounds per minute. Although initially successful, no breakthrough was made and casualties were heavy. Renewed the following morning, the assault again proved a failure - the Gunners becoming exhausted, stricken with fatigue and sickness.

Returned to France in April 1918, presumably to replace losses from the Spring Offensive, Scarlett joined 26 Brigade, Royal Field Artillery and witnessed the breakout at the Battle of the Selle in October 1918. Awarded the Croix de Guerre in January 1919, he remained in France post-Armistice, and served with the Army of Occupation until 9 May 1919, followed by spells in Palestine, Syria and India. Placed on half-pay on account of ill health on 27 October 1925, he died at Galphay on 29 December 1925 in consequence of infection, boils, fever, and pneumonia.

Sold with a particularly fine typed manuscript, titled ‘Copy of Diary 1914-1917, J. A. Scarlett, Captain R.H.A., Adjutant 3rd Brigade, R.H.A., 2nd Cavalry Division’, 108 pages, professionally bound, detailing the military life of the recipient from 4 August 1914 to 14 February 1917. This unpublished account offers regular and very personal insights, commencing with mobilisation at Newbridge, early experiences in France, and an outstanding record of his location throughout the war, from Remigny (August 1914) to Braisne (September 1914), Vieux Berquin (February 1915), Vlamertynghe and Ypres (May 1915), Givesne (May 1916), Lauana and Mosgoe (June 1916), Mirova (December 1916), and Beshanli (January 1917); a rare firsthand officer’s account, in particular regarding the early engagements:

‘August 24th (1914). Up before it was light and moved, messed about a bit and finally retired, then came into action again to relieve the 5th Division. We got some good targets, but so did the Germans. The 9th got into some wire and got rather potted. We then withdrew through a wood. The Lord defend us from woods. We were shelled and found the road came to an abrupt end. However we got out finally, and marched back to Wargines Le Grand.’

‘August 25th (1914). Off again in the morning we were covering the Infantry and joined the 1st Cavalry Brigade. I lost my wire cutters much to my annoyance. Our horses were getting done. The roads were strewn with food, and odds and ends of units. It is very easy for men to get lost. We were back and nearly attacked a French Battery, which suddenly appeared from nowhere. Marched on till night more or less among a mob of Infantry, and finally got into Le Cateau but came out again and slept in a field.’