Special Collections
17th Century Tokens, Malmesbury, Edward Browne, Farthing, 0.77g/10h (N 5492; BW. 107); Samuel Chapp, Farthing, 1665, 0.62g/6h (N –; BW. 108); Philipp Edwards, Farthing, 1658, 0.80g/12h (N 5494; BW. 109); Thomas Evanfs, Farthing, clearly reads evanfs, 0.84g/12h (N 5495; BW. 110); Elias Ferris, Halfpenny, 1669, 1.60g/9h (N 5496; BW. 111); John Goldney, Farthing, 1.15g/12h (N 5497; BW. 112); Nico Jaffris, Farthing, 1.03g/6h (N 5503; BW. 114); Tho. Tanner, Farthing, 0.94g/12h (N –; BW. 117); Rob Thomas, Farthing, [16]64, 0.80g/6h (N 5499; BW. 119); Rich. Thorner, Farthing, [16]64, 0.80g/10h (N –; BW. 120); William Wayte, Farthing, 1651, 1.34g/6h (N 5500; BW. 121); Walter Woodman, Farthings (2), reads malmesbvry, 1.18g/12h (N 5501; BW. 122), reads malmesbvrey, 0.69g/12h (dies not in N; BW. 122) [13]. Generally fair to fine, but N 5497 pierced, some rare, especially the last £240-£300
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Collection of Wiltshire Coins, Tokens and Paranumismatica formed by the late David Ward.
Provenance: BW. 108 bt C.M. Rowe; BW. 120 L. Hapgood Collection, bt N.A. Clark January 2009.
N 5492 only illustrated. Edward Browne, brewer; Samuel Chapp, tallowchandler; Philipp Edwards, tallowchandler; Thomas Evans, grocer; Elias Ferris, apothecary; John Goldney, clothier; Nicholas Jeffreys, woollen merchant; Richard Thorner, grocer; William Wayte, grocer; Walter Woodman, carrier
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