Special Collections
Family group:
Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 4 clasps, Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Transvaal, South Africa 1901 (1038 Pte. T. Poph[am], 4th N.Z’land R.R.), name partially lost as a consequence of ex-brooch-mounting, suspension and clasps re-constituted, otherwise very fine
Pair: Private T. Popham, Royal Marines
China 1857-60, 1 clasp, Canton 1857 (T. Popham, Pte., R.M., [H].M.S. Sanspareil), official late issue, impressed in large capitals, partial loss of naming owing to ex-brooch-mounting and crudely refixed suspension; Indian Mutiny 1857-59, no clasp (Thomas [P]opham), re-engraved naming, again with partial loss of detail owing to ex-brooch-mounting, fine or better (3) £300-400
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Barrett J. Carr Collection of Boer War Medals.
Thomas Popham, the son of Thomas Popham, late Royal Marines, was a farmer from Middlemarch, Otago, at the time of his attesting for the 4th N.Z. Contingent for service in South Africa. A member of No. 9 Company, he was embarked for Cape Town in March 1900 and served in Rhodesia, in addition to other operations. Invalided home on account of ‘prolonged illness’, he died in June 1902 and was buried in Middlemarch cemetery; sold with copied research and roll confirmation.
His father, who was born in Tavistock, Devon, served as a Private in H.M.S. Sanspareil during the Second China War and was present in the Canton operations of 1857; his Medal & clasp were sent to the Agent General in New Zealand in October 1888, following his earlier discharge at Plymouth in December 1859.
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