Special Collections
17th Century, Kent, Chatham, Walter Ramsden, Farthing, 1.01g/6h (N 2447; BW. 104); T.M.S. at the globe, Farthing, 1657, 1.08g/6h (BW. 105); Francis Sanders, Farthing, 1.10g/6h (N 2448; BW. 106); John Tihurst, Farthing, 1666, 0.89g/3h (N 2449; BW. 109); Joseph Wymshurst, Farthings (3, from two obv. and two rev. dies), undated, 1.26g/6h (BW. 111), 1656 (2), 1.04g/6h (N 2450 rev., different obv.; BW. 110), 1.04g/6h (N 2450; BW. 110) [7]. BW. 105 fair, BW. 106 mediocre, BW. 109 very fine, others fine (£80-100)
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Collection of 17th Century Tokens of Kent formed by the late Robert Hogarth.
BW. 104 Sir G.E. Duveen Collection, bt Baldwin August 2003
BW. 105, *109, second 110 and 111 V.J. Newbury Collection [105 bt Baldwin March 2002, 109 bt Baldwin April 1999, others bt Baldwin August 2003]
BW. 106 bt Baldwin April 1994
First BW. 110 bt Baldwin August 2003.
Francis Sanders, tailor; John Tihurst, brewer; Joseph Wimshurst, tailor. The die-chain for the Wimshurst issues is as shown above
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