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Sold on 21 March 1995
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Captain 'Peter’ Arnot
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21 March 1995
Lot No 121
Æthelred II (978-1016), crvx type, Leofric, Rochester, leofric m-o rofec, 1.83 gms. Almost extremely fine, with a pleasing portrait (£200-300)
Lot No 122
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Goda, Shaftesbury, goda m-o ceften, 1.69 gms. Very fine, rare (£150-200)
Lot No 123
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Æthelwerd, Southwark, Ædelperd m-o svdbv, 1.39 gms. Almost extremely fine (£150-200)
Lot No 124
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Heawulf, Southwark, heapvlf m-o svdge, 1.55 gms. Very fine, some peck marks (£80-120)
Lot No 125
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Godwine, Stamford, godpine m-o stan, 1.53 gms. Nearly extremely fine, portrait very pleasing, lightly cleaned (£120-150)
Lot No 126
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Ælstan, Totnes, Ælfstan m-o tota, 1.14 gms. With chip to rim, otherwise very fine, rare (£100-150)
Lot No 127
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Ælgar, Wareham, Ælfgar m-o per, 1.51 gms. With a crack (showing some daylight) extending to bust, otherwise very fine, rare (£100-150)
Lot No 128
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Leofwold, Wilton, leofpold m-o pilt, 1.69 gms. Portrait partly scraped (?), otherwise good very fine (£100-150)
Lot No 129
Æthelred II (978-1016), crvx type, Brihtsige, Winchester, byrhsige m-o pint, 1.66 gms. Very fine (£100-120)
Lot No 130
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, crvx type, Alderth, York, alddrd m–o eo, 2.11 gms. Better than fine but buckled, the moneyer very rare, of crude style and probably Scandinavian (£80-100)
Lot No 131
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Small crvx type, Edwold, Canterbury, eapold m-o cÆnt, 1.42 gms (BMC iiia; N.770; S.1149). Buckled and obverse weak otherwise very fine, rare (£80-100)
Lot No 132
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Small crvx type, Leofwine, London, leofpine m-o lvn, 1.36 gms. Almost very fine, some peck marks on obverse (£80-100)
Lot No 133
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Small crvx type, Sidewine, Rochester, SiDEWINE M-O HROFE, 1.42 gms. Fine, slightly buckled, with peck marks on obverse, tiny crack to rim (2 o’ clock), but very rare (£100-150)
Lot No 134
Æthelred II (978-1016), Intermediate Small Cross/ crvx type mule, Byrhsige, Winchester, BYRHSiGE M-O pin, 1.67 gms (N. 773/770). Almost very fine, rare (£400-600)
Lot No 135
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Edstan, Bath, EDSTAN MΩO BAD, 1.38 gms (BMC iva; N. 774; S. 1151). Very fine, reverse double struck, rare (£150-200)
Lot No 136
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Leofnoth, Bedford, LEOFNOD M‘O BEDa, 1.74 gms. Fine or better, rather bent, rare (£120-150)
Lot No 137
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Leofric, Canterbury, LEOFRiC MΩO CÆNT, 1.52 gms. Very fine, some peck marks (£80-100)
Lot No 138
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Othulf, Chester, ODVLF MΩO LEIg, 1.60 gms. Extremely fine, rare (£180-220)
Lot No 139
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Leofhyse, Dover, LEOFHYSE M‘O DOFR, 1.57 gms. Very fine (£100-120)
Lot No 140
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Goda, Exeter, GOD MΩo EaXEC, 1.70 gms. Good very fine (£100-120)
Lot No 141
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Leofsige, Gloucester, LEOFSIGE MΩo GLEA, 1.49 gms. Nearly extremely fine (£150-200)
Lot No 142
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Byrhstan, Hereford, BYRHSTAN M‘O HERE, with an extra pellet behind head, 1.64 gms. Nearly extremely fine, rare (£150-200)
Lot No 143
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Ælfric, Huntingdon, ÆLFRIC M‘O HVNT, 1.67 gms. Good very fine (£150-200)
Lot No 144
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, God, Ilichester, GOD MΩO Gifelc, 1.64 gms. Fine, some peck marks, several on reverse, small crack to flan (3 o’clock), rare (£120-150)
Lot No 145
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Godfrith, Lewes, GODEFRID MΩO lÆp, 1.75 gms. Very fine or better, obverse double struck (£80-120)
Lot No 146
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Sumerletha, Lincoln, sVMERLED MO LIN, with a cross pattée in the field behind head (Mossop 31, same obverse die), 1.41 gms. About very fine (£100-150)
Lot No 147
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Heawulf, London, HEaPVLF M‘O lvnd. Poorly struck, otherwise better than fine, creased, peck marks, particularly noticeable on the reverse (£40-60)
Lot No 148
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Goda, Lyndford, GODa M-O LYDa, 1.19 gms.With a crack, extending from the edge (3 o’clock) to centre of portrait and two smaller cracks to right, all showing daylight, otherwise good very fine, rare (£150-200)
Lot No 149
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Aethelnoth, Northampton, ÆDELNOD M˙O HAM., 1.51gms. Rather weak in places otherwise better than fine, slightly buckled (£100-120)
Lot No 150
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Swertic, Norwich, SVERTIC M‘O NORd, 1.71 gms. Good fine (£60-80)
Lot No 151
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Eadwine, Rochester, EDPiNE MΩO ROFE, 1.72 gms. Very fine, with some peck marks (£120-150)
Lot No 152
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Æsewig, Stamford, aSCPIG MΩO STA, 1.23 gms. Slightly creased otherwise good very fine (£100-120)
Lot No 153
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Mana, Thetford, MaNa MΩO DEOD, 1.72 gms. Fine (£80-100)
Lot No 154
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Ælfstan, Totnes, ÆLFSTaN M-o TOTa, 1.74 gms. Good very fine, with a pleasing portrait, some peck marks, rare (£200-300)
Lot No 155
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Wulfric, Wareham, PVLFRlC MΩO PER, 1.78 gms. Very fine, but buckled and with several peck marks on reverse, rare (£150-180)
Lot No 156
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Hunewine, Watchet, HVNEPiNE M‘O PECEd, 1.70 gms (cf. SCBI Copenhagen 1274, different dies; FEJ 894, different dies). Good very fine and extremely rare (£600-800)
Lot No 157
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Sæwine, Wilton, SÆPiNE MΩO PILT, 1.74 gms. Good very fine, rare (£200-300)
Lot No 158
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Godman, Winchester, GODeman MO PINT, 1.68 gms. Almost extremely fine (£120-150)
Lot No 159
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, DURANT, WORCESTER, DVRANT MO PiHR, 1.75 gms. Some slight corrosion otherwise good very fine, with pleasing portrait, rare (£200-300)
Lot No 160
Æthelred II (978-1016), Æthelred II, Long Cross type, Sumerleda, York, SVMERLiDA M‘O EOFR, with cross pattée in second quarter and pellet in third quarter of reverse cross, 1.42 gms (SCBI Yorkshire collections 97/lM 42; SCBI Mack 981, this coin). Very fine and rare (£150-200)
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