Special Collections
ESSEX, Colchester, John Milbanck, Farthing, 1655, 0.77g/6h (N 1199; BW. 133); Jacob Miller, Farthing, 1662, 0.59g/6h (N 1201; BW. 134); William Moore, Farthing, 0.96g/6h (N 1202; BW. 135); Elias Moortier, Farthing, 1.19g/6h (N 1207; BW. 137); Thomas Peeke, Farthing, 1.11g/6h (N 1252; BW. 139); John Rayner, Farthing, 0.72g/9h (N 1237; BW. 142); Thomas Renolds, Farthings (3), 0.95g/6h (N 1210; BW. 143), 1.31g/9h (N 1211; BW. 143), 1.00g/12h (N 1215 obv./1212-13 rev.; BW. 143); Richard Rich, Farthing, 1656, 0.95g/6h (N 1216; BW. 144); John Sewell, Farthing, 1653, 1.00g/6h (N 1221 obv., rev. not in N; BW. 148); Giles Toyspill, Farthing, 1666, 0.60g/12h (N 1227; BW. 157), Halfpence, 1668 (2), 1.06g/9h, 0.61g/9h (both N 1228; BW. 153); James Tayspell, Farthing, 0.53g/12h (N 1242; BW. 156), Halfpenny, 1668, 1.00g/3h (N 1229; BW. 154); Abraham Voll, Farthing, 1668, 0.50g/12h (N 1233; BW. 158); Jacob Vol, Farthing, 0.79g/6h (N 1231; BW. 160); Jonas Whale, Farthing, 0.93g/6h (N 1234; BW. 161) [19]. Varied state £80-£100
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, A Collection of 17th Century Tokens formed by a Gentleman Deceased.
Provenance: N 1199 bt July 1989; N 1201, 1231, 1233 and 1234 bt Seaby 1983; N 1202 with Spink, bt Seaby 1985; N 1207 bt R. Jeffery December 1991; N 1210 bt M.J. Dickinson October 1987; N 1215 var bt Seaby 1973; N 1216 bt March 1996; N 1228 at 1.06g and 1252 SCMB October 1983 (M 171, M 174); N 1228 at 0.61g bt R. Jeffery November 1996
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