Special Collections

Sold between 14 April & 17 February 2021

3 parts


A Collection of Medals to Great War Casualties

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№ 474


17 February 2021

Hammer Price:

Pair: Private C. Muttock, Suffolk Regiment, who was killed in action during the attack on Ovillers on the Somme on 3 July 1916, on which date the 7th Battalion suffered over 450 casualties

British War and Victory Medals (23680 Pte. C. Muttock. Suff. R.); Memorial Plaque (Charles Muttock) in card envelope, nearly extremely fine (3) £120-£160

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, A Collection of Medals to Great War Casualties.

View A Collection of Medals to Great War Casualties


Provenance: Acquired by the vendor directly from the recipient’s family.

Charles Muttock was born in Eye, Suffolk, in 1896 and attested there for the Suffolk Regiment. He served with the 7th Battalion during the Great War on the Western Front, and was killed in action on 3 July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. On this date the Battalion moved into support trenches from Hénencourt Wood during the early hours of the morning and then, with the 5th Battalion, Royal Berkshires, led the attack on Ovillers. The first four waves came under heavy fire but managed to clear the enemy’s positions as far as their third line, and part of the attacking force entered the village. After severe fighting in which all the Battalion’s company commanders were killed the assault was brought to a standstill and the survivors were forced to withdraw. The Battalion suffered total casualties that day of 450. Muttock was amongst those killed. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, France.