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25 September 2008
Starting at 10:00 AM
Washington Mayfair Hotel London W1J 5HE
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Pair: Chief Constable James Garrow, Perth City Police Coronation 1911, Scottish Police (Ch. Const. J. Garrow); Royal Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, 4th type, silver (James Garrow, Mill Wynd, Perth, 2nd January 1893) good very fine (2) £500-600
Hammer Price: £410
Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, 5th type, bronze (W. H. Brumby, Monkwearmouth, 5th June 1905) with silver buckle on ribbon, nearly extremely fine £200-250
Hammer Price: £230
Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, 5th type, silver (P.C. John Spiers, Glasgow, 19th Novr. 1905) edge bruising, good very fine £250-300
Hammer Price: £190
Three: Police Constable Edwin Abbott, Metropolitan Police Coronation 1902, Metropolitan Police (P.C., Y. Div.); Coronation 1911, Metropolitan Police (P.C.) mounted as worn; Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, 5th type (1892-1901) bronze medal (P.C. Edwin Abbott, 169Y, 28 Weedington Rd. N.W., 23rd Decr. 1906) with silver buckle on ribbon, good very fine (3) £240-280
Five: Acting Serjeant H. Smith, The Queen’s Regiment, late an Inspector in the Metropolitan Police, awarded the M.S.M. for Gallantry Jubilee 1897, Metropolitan Police (P.S., T Divn.); Coronation 1902, Metropolitan Police (P.S., N Div.); Coronation 1911, Metropolitan Police (Insp.) mounted as worn, in fitted leather case; Army Meritorious Service Medal, G.V.R., 1st issue (G-64486 A. Sjt., The Queen’s R.); Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, 5th type, bronze (Henry Smith,...
Hammer Price: £1,100
Pair: Police Sergeant Edward C. Ayres, Manchester Police Police Long Service Medal, E.II.R., 1st issue (Sergt. Edward C. Ayres); Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, 5th type, bronze (Pol. Sgt. Edward Ayres, Manchester, 6.6.1943) with a silver buckle on ribbon and with a bar inscribed, ‘Pol. Sgt. Edward Ayres, Manchester, 6th June, 1943’, nearly extremely fine (2) £250-300
Hammer Price: £310
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 1st type, silver (Presented to Robert Fulton, for saving 2 Gentlemen from Drowning in the Mersey, 1842, April 29th) pierced with ring suspension, edge bruising, some contact marks, nearly very fine £340-380
Hammer Price: £300
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 1st type, silver (Presented to Richard Cowel, for saving the Life of Eliza Webb, who fell into the Kings Dock, 9th May 1846) unmounted, edge bruising, some contact marks, nearly very fine £340-380
Hammer Price: £420
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 1st type, silver (For nobly proceeding in British Queen’s Boat to assistance of Crew of Schooner Happy Return on Burbo Sea dangerous & capsized the Boat, June 1864) additionally inscribed on the obverse, ‘Ed. Jones’, fitted with a ring suspension, with silver buckle on ribbon, edge bruising, very fine £400-450
Hammer Price: £350
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 2nd type oval medal with ‘Liver Bird’ suspension, silver, reverse inscribed, ‘Awarded to Patrick Haynes, March 1867’, additionally inscribed on edge, ‘For his noble daring in saving Captain of Achilles’, cleaned, edge bruising, very fine £500-600
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 2nd type oval medal with ‘Liver Bird’ suspension, silver, reverse inscribed, ‘Thos. Doyle, Stage Constable, April 1868’, additionally inscribed on edge, ‘For gallantly jumping into the river & saving a woman & for other similar noble acts’, cleaned, minor edge bruising, good very fine £600-700
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 2nd type oval medal with ‘Liver Bird’ suspension, silver, reverse inscribed, ‘James Clatworthy, Seaman, Schooner “Kitty Glidden”, 26 Nov. 1872’, edge additionally inscribed, ‘For courage & humanity in going in a boat to rescue crew of the Sailors Home in a gale on 26 of Nov. 1872’ - minor corrections to naming, with silver top bar, edge bruise, good very fine £600-700
Hammer Price: £600
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 2nd type oval medal with ‘Liver Bird’ suspension, silver, reverse inscribed, ‘Robert Thomas, 28 July 1873’, edge additionally inscribed, ‘For courage and humanity in saving life from drowning on several occasions’, 5 clasps, For Saving Life 21 July 1871, For Saving Life- April 1 1873; For Saving Life April 19 1875; For Saving Life Aug. 5 1890; For Saving Life 7 Oct. 1905, with silver buckle on ribbon, edge bruising, very fine ...
Hammer Price: £1,300
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 2nd type oval medal with ‘Liver Bird’ suspension, silver, reverse inscribed, ‘George B. Allen, Chief Officer S.S. Zeal for having in two trips with a boat’s crew rescued 12 of crew of barque Kong Harald, Feby. 22nd 1879’, with silver brooch bar, correction to one letter of inscription, minor edge bruising, good very fine £600-700
Hammer Price: £500
Pair: Boatman Daniel Rogers Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (Daniel Rogers, Boatman, for Saving Life on Several Occasions. Presented July 30, 1875) 4 clasps, Saving Life; For Saving Life July 12, 1881; For Saving Life June 26. 1883; For Saving Life April 29, 1887, with silver buckle on ribbon, in damaged case of issue, inside of lid with label, ‘Capt. J. Rogers, Labumam House, 16 Milton Road, Chesterton, Cambridge’; River Mersey Lifeboat Race...
Hammer Price: £820
A rare Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Marine Medal in Gold with Second Award Clasp awarded to Captain William Hyslop Thompson Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, gold (Capt. Wm. Hyslop Thompson, S.S. England for rescuing Crew & Passengers of Middlesex & St. Germain, Sept. 1876) with Second Award clasp, Barque Kwasind, Nov. 15. 1877, with gold buckle on ribbon, nearly extremely fine £2500-3000
Hammer Price: £3,400
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (Geo. Rees, 3rd Officer, S.S. Malta for having with boat’s crew rescued crew of S.S. Dhooliah, 21.12.76) with silver buckle on ribbon, suspension refixed but slack, small jeweller’s mark to obverse, very fine £200-240
Hammer Price: £200
A Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Marine Medal awarded to Coxswain Charles Edward Fish of the Ramsgate Lifeboat, for the gallant rescue of survivors of the Indian Chief, Thames Estuary, 1881 Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (Charles E. Fish, Coxswain of Lifeboat “Bradford” for rescuing crew of ship “Indian Chief”, Jany. 5. 1881) with silver brooch bar, very fine £300-350
Hammer Price: £460
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (Wm. Brown, Chief Offcr., S.S. Brackley, for the rescue of part of the crew of S.S. “Douro” Nov. 20, 1887) with silver buckle on ribbon, slight edge bruise, otherwise good very fine £200-240
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (Amelia Park, for having gone into a deep pit near Halewood to save her Sister and another girl, July 19, 1894) with silver buckle on ribbon, good very fine £160-200
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (W. Driscoll, for having rescued a man from drowning in the Mersey, 7 Nov. 1897), 2 clasps, Second Service, 18th July 1898, For Gallant Service 6/4/31, with silver buckle on ribbon, edge bruise, very fine £350-450
A rare Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Camp & Villaverde Medal awarded Second Officer John Herbert, S.S. Hilary Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Camp and Villaverde Medal for Saving Life at Sea, silver (Mr John Herbert, 2nd Officer, S.S. “Hilary” in charge of boat at rescue of crew of schooner “Mary E. Lermond” 17 Sept. 1900) complete with bar, ‘Liverpool Shipwreck & Humane Society’, and silver buckle on ribbon, in damaged Oldfield, Liverpool case of issue, edge...
Hammer Price: £980
A pair of Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society medals awarded to Police Constable William Dodson Barton, Liverpool Police Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (To P.C. 207 William D. Barton, for gallant service, 18th Feby. 1924) hallmarks for Birmingham 1923, with silver brooch bar; Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, General Medal, silver (To P.C. 207c Wm. D. Barton, for gallant service, 22/1/27) hallmarks for Birmingham 1924, with silver brooch...
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 3rd type, silver (To Gerald Conners, for gallant service, 2/3/1939) hallmarks for Birmingham 1936, good very fine £160-200
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Fire Medal, silver (William T. Oversby, for having at considerable risk rescued a child from a house on fire, Nov. 4, 1883) with silver buckle on ribbon, edge bruise, good very fine £250-300
Pair: Police Constable Alfred Stockdale, Liverpool Police, late Private, South Lancashire Regiment Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 2 clasps, Tugela Heights, Relief of Ladysmith (2281 Pte., 1st S. Lanc. Regt.); Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Fire Medal, bronze (To P.C.94H Alfred Stockdale, for gallant service, 18th November 1906) good very fine and better (2) £250-300
Hammer Price: £390
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Fire Medal, silver (To Samuel Tysoe. for gallant service, 4/6/32) hallmarks for Birmingham 1924, minor edge bruising, good very fine £300-350
Hammer Price: £260
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Fire Medal, silver (To Joseph Vergalen, for gallant service, 14/10/1942) hallmarks for Birmingham 1937, nearly extremely fine £300-350
Hammer Price: £620
Pair: Police Constable Ephraim Dyball, Liverpool Police Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, General Medal, silver (P.C.319A Ephraim Dyball for stopping a runaway horse in Victoria Street, 1st Jan. 1900), 3 clasps, 2nd Service 18. Jan. 1900, 3rd Service 11 July 1905, 4th Service 3rd. June 1909, with silver buckle on ribbon; Liverpool City Police Good Conduct Medal, bronze (P.C. 319A (Ephraim Dyball)) reverse inscribed, ‘Presented by Watch Committee, 6th Oct. 1916’, bronze brooch...
Hammer Price: £800
A Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society General Medal and Certificate of Award to Harold Powell for stopping a runaway horse Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, General Medal, bronze (To Harold Powell, for meritorious service, 22nd August 1923) with bronze brooch bar, nearly extremely fine £200-250
Hammer Price: £250
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Swimming Medal, silver, reverse inscribed, ‘Presented by the Liverpool Shipwreck & Humane Society to Mary Johnson, pupil in the School for Deaf & Dumb, for proficiency in swimming exercises with the object of saving life, October 1899’, hallmarks for Birmingham 1898, nearly extremely fine £50-70
Hammer Price: £60
A Second World War King’s Commendation for Brave Conduct and Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea group of six awarded to Cadet Bernard John Duval, Merchant Navy, for services aboard the M.V. Domala, 2 March 1940 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Africa Star; War Medal 1939-45, all unnamed; Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Cadet B. J. Duval, S.S. “Domala”, 2nd March 1940) mounted for wear; King’s Commendation for Brave Conduct Badge, plastic, pin-backed, good very fine...
Hammer Price: £1,800
A Second World War B.E.M. and Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea group of six awarded to Able Seaman William John Dryden, Merchant Navy, for services aboard the M.V. Regent Lion, 15 September 1940 British Empire Medal, (Civil) G.VI.R., 1st issue (William John Dryden); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star, clasp, France and Germany; Pacific Star; War Medal 1939-45; Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Able Seaman W. J. Dryden, M.V. “Regent Lion”, 15th September 1940) mounted for...
Hammer Price: £1,600
A posthumous Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea awarded to Private Kenneth Cavanaugh, East Yorkshire Regiment, for services aboard the M.V. Oud Beijerland, 27 March 1941 Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Private Kenneth Cavanaugh, M.V. “Oud Beijerland”, 27th March 1941) in case of issue, extremely fine £1800-2200
Hammer Price: £1,400
A fine Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea group of nine awarded to Able Seaman Donald Macphee, Merchant Navy, late Private, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, who was rewarded for his services after being torpedoed and sunk twice in one day 1914-15 Star (6/2229 Pte., N.Z.E.F.); British War and Victory Medals (6/2229 Pte., N.Z.E.F.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Defence and War Medals; New Zealand War Service Medal; Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Able Seaman Donald...
Hammer Price: £1,500
A Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea awarded to Cook & Steward Edgar Chalker, Merchant Navy, awarded the B.E.M. for services in the ‘George Cross’ action aboard the S.S. Cormount, 21 June 1941 Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Cook & Steward Edgar Chalker, S.S. “Cormount”, 21st June 1941) in case of issue, extremely fine £1400-1800
A Second World War M.B.E. and Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea group of seven awarded to Second Engineer Officer Norman Makepeace, Merchant Navy, for services aboard the Toorak, 16 January 1942 The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, M.B.E. (Civil) Member’s 2nd type breast badge, silver; British War Medal 1914-20 (Norman Makepeace); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Italy Star; War Medal 1939-45; Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Second Engineer Officer Norman...
A Second World War O.B.E., Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea group of eight awarded to Chief Engineer Officer Thomas Cuthbert Gorman, Merchant Navy, for high courage and good seamanship when in an open boat for 49 days following the sinking of the Peterton, 1942 The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, O.B.E. (Civil) Officer’s 2nd type breast badge, silver-gilt; British War and Victory Medals (M.32261 E.R.A. 5, R.N.); 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; War Medal 1939-45;...
Hammer Price: £2,700
A Second World War B.E.M. and Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea pair awarded to Boatswain Ewart Alfred Gardner, Merchant Navy, for services in the ‘George Cross’ action aboard S.S. Ocean Voyager, 19 March 1943 British Empire Medal, (Civil) G.VI.R., 1st issue (Ewart Alfred Gardner); Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Boatswain E. A. Gradner, S.S. “Ocean Voyager”, 19th March 1943) this in case of issue, nearly extremely fine (2) £1800-2200
Hammer Price: £2,300
A Second World War O.B.E. and Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea group of eight awarded to Captain Wilfred Geoffrey Perrin, Merchant Navy, for services aboard the S.S. Dover Hill, 1943 The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, O.B.E. (Civil) Officer’s 2nd type breast badge, silver-gilt; 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; Africa Star; Pacific Star; Italy Star; War Medal 1939-45; Lloyd’s War Medal for Bravery at Sea, silver (Captain W. G. Perrin, S.S. “Dover Hill”, 4th April...
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