A Small Collection of Medals relating to the 27th British Commonwealth Brigade in Korea

12 May 2015

Starting at 10:00 AM


Orders, Decorations and Medals

A Small Collection of Medals relating to the 27th British Commonwealth Brigade in Korea


Following the invasion of South Korea on 25 June 1950 by a North Korean Army, a United Nations Army was formed to restore the situation. American troops were sent to Korea from Japan and by the middle of July 1950 significant numbers of American reinforcements had arrived but had been forced back into a small perimeter around the port of Pusan. By that time the British 29 Infantry Brigade was being formed in the UK but as there was a significant danger that Pusan might fall, Prime Minister Attlee decided that British reinforcements were required immediately. Thus on Sunday 20 August the 1st Battalion Middlesex Regiment and the 1st Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, who were stationed in Hong Kong, were ordered to Korea and sailed five days later. They were in summer uniform and were not accompanied by any artillery or armoured support units. Thrust immediately into battle, the two regiments took part in the fierce battles around the Pusan perimeter where Major Muir of the Argylls earned the Victoria Cross. Then they advanced north through Seoul and Pyong Yang to the Yalu River. Then withdrew in atrocious weather conditions to a new line South of Seoul; fought back across the Han River, finally being called upon to repel a major Chinese attack at Kapyong. Both Battalions suffered severe casualties but earned many honours for bravery and enhanced the glorious reputations of two famous regiments.

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