Auction Catalogue
17th Century Tokens, Colchester, John Adlyn [recté Edlyn], Farthing, 0.43g/12h (BW. 88/113); Robert Adson, Halfpenny, 1668, 2.08g/12h (N 1155; BW. 89); William Alldred, Farthing, 1.08g/6h (N 1156; BW. 90); Michaell Arnold, Farthing, 1.14g/6h (N 1157; BW. 91); Nathaniel Barker, Farthing, 1669, 0.58g/3h (N 1158; BW. 92); Christopher Bayles, Farthing, 1.18g/6h (N 1159; BW. 93); Tho[mas] Bayles, Farthing, 0.99g/6h (N 1160; BW. 94); Matthew Bonney, Halfpenny, 1665, 1.69g/6h (N 1162; BW. 96); Richard Boyse, Halfpenny, 1668, 1.04g/9h (N 1163; BW. 97); Thomas Burges, Farthing, 1.26g/6h (N 1238, same obv. die but different rev.; Judson 98a); Richard Bush, Farthing, 0.91g/6h (N 1164; BW. 99); Paul Cannam, Farthing, 0.72g/3h (N 1165; BW. 100); Thomas Carter, Farthing, 1667, 0.49g/12h (N 1166; BW. 101); Richard Cock, Farthing, 1.13g/6h (N 1168; BW. 105) [14]. BW. 91 and 101 very fine, BW. 89 and 105 good fine, others generally fair or fine, first rare (£150-180)
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Collection of British Tokens formed by Eileen Judson.
BW. 89 illustrated. John Edlyn, joiner, county freeholder, churchwarden at St Mary at the Wall, Colchester, JP, †by 1696; Robert Adson, innkeeper, the King’s Head; William Alldred (†1661), weaver, lived at Moore Lane, Botolphs Gate, wife’s name Margaret; Michael Arnold (†1666, probably a Plague victim), grocer, lived in St Peter’s parish, wife’s name Catherine; Nathaniel Barker, tallowchandler; Christopher Bayles (1626-66, a Plague victim), grocer and non-conformist, alderman 1664, wife’s name Martha, née Daniel (†September 1710, aged 84); Thomas Bayles (1633-1727), grocer and vintner, Quaker, author of several religious tracts; Matthew Bonney (†1683), baker, wife’s name Abigail; Richard Boyse (†1689), maltster, St Giles, churchwarden and alderman, also owned property at Dedham; Thomas Burges, mercer, East street, wife’s name Judith; Richard Bush, tanner; Paul Cannam (recté Cannon), bay and saymaker, wife’s name Mary (née Mootes), married May 1662; Richard Cocke (†1661), cordwainer, wife’s name Alice
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