Auction Catalogue

7 November 2024

Starting at 10:00 AM


Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria

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№ 175 x


To be sold on: 7 November 2024

Estimate: £40,000–£50,000

Place Bid

The unique Second War ‘attack on the Tirpitz’ C.G.M. group of four awarded to Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class E. Goddard, helmsman of H.M. Midget Submarine X6, whose skipper Lieutenant Donald Cameron was awarded the Victoria Cross, as too was the skipper of X7, Lieutenant Basil Place; the crew-members from X6 were all taken prisoner and were being interrogated aboard the Tirpitz when their charges exploded underneath the battleship

Conspicuous Gallantry Medal, G.VI.R. (E.R.A. 4th E. Goddard, P/MX 89069) with case of issue; 1939-45 Star; Atlantic Star; War Medal 1939-45, with named Admiralty enclosure, in named card box of issue addressed to ‘Mr. Edmund Goddard, Chestnuts, Headley, Newbury, Berks’, mounted court-style for display, extremely fine (4) £40,000-£50,000

Sotheby’s, October 1983.

Exhibited: ‘An Exhibition of Important British Gallantry Awards, 1800-1950,’ Sotheby’s, May to June 1992.

C.G.M. London Gazette 22 February 1944:
‘For gallantry, skill and daring during the successful attack by His Majesty’s Midget submarines
X6 and X7 on the Tirpitz.

Edmund ‘Eddie’ Goddard was born in 1921 and, after his education at St Edward’s School in Oxford, started as an apprentice tool maker in Coventry. In 1941 he joined the Royal Navy but found, instead of travelling the world by sea, he was fire-watching on the roof of the Royal Naval Barracks in Portsmouth. As a result he volunteered for ‘special and hazardous service’, not knowing what that might entail, and found himself on the early X-craft training programme.

The attack on the Tirpitz
The occupation of Norway in 1940 provided the German Navy with ideal fjord anchorage for its capital ships. Safe in the knowledge that the Royal Navy lacked the strength to be constantly on patrol, the Kriegsmarine was free to menace the North Atlantic trade routes at will. When harboured in the fjords, the German battleships were far from the open sea, out of reach of surface ships and conventional submarines, and well beyond the range of the R.A.F.’s heavy bombers. The Tirpitz, in particular, acted as a major influence over the movements of the British Home Fleet, and consequently a way had to be found to attack her where she spent most of her time - in harbour. The answer to the problem was the four-man Midget Submarine or X-craft. At fifty feet in length the X-craft was small enough to penetrate the fjord defences and yet large enough to carry a four-ton charge and to operate unsupported for several days.

In May 1942, six operational X-craft were ordered from Armstrong Vickers, and the call went out to volunteers for ‘special and hazardous service’. Thorough and dangerous training began in the waters around the Isle of Bute in the summer of 1943, and by September 1944 the crews had been brought to ‘concert pitch’. On the 10th, news came that the Tirpitz, Scharnhorst and Lutzow were all at anchor in the fjords. Using conventional submarines as tugs, the X-craft were towed over 1,000 miles to their starting points before embarking on their individual assigned missions. But, during the eight-day journey to the slipping position, tragedy struck when X9 (Sub-Lieutenant E Kearon) parted her tow in foul weather and disappeared without trace. X8 also ran into difficulties and had to jettison her explosive charges.

After exchanging the passage crews for operational crews, X5, X6, X7 and X10 slipped their tows, on time and in the planned positions. Ahead lay a 50-mile journey fraught with danger. X10 (Lieutenant K. R. Hudspeth) was detailed to attack the Scharnhorst but various mechanical failures meant that this attempt had to be abandoned. X6 (Lieutenant D. Cameron), in which E.R.A. Goddard was helmsman, X7 (Lieutenant B. C. G. Place, D.S.C.) and X5 (Lieutenant H. Henty-Creer) were all detailed against the Tirpitz.

Acting independently the three X-craft began their journeys to the Tirpitz lying in Kaa Fjord on 20th September. The first obstacle to be negotiated was a minefield and this X6 crossed on the surface. At 1 a.m. when Stjern Sound was entered, Cameron discovered that X6’s periscope was leaking, a defect that was to have serious consequences later on. By noon they had reached the Alter Fjord and that evening they arrived at their predetermined waiting positions close to the entrance to the Kaa Fjord. After ‘a rather disturbed night charging, making good defects and dodging traffic,’ it was found that X6’s port charge was defective, and so Cameron re-set the fuse to fire one hour after release. Shortly after 5 a.m., Cameron was able to make out a small Coaster, heading up the fjord towards the great battleship and leading the way through the open gate of the anti-submarine boom net that enclosed the Tirpitz. Once inside, X6’s periscope proved almost entirely useless, and so the final approach had to be made half blind. At 7.20 a.m., X6 broke surface just 80 yards from the Tirpitz and was sighted. Whilst the German sailors rushed to their battle stations, X6 dived beneath the last line of defence, a 50-foot anti-torpedo net. Passing under the Tirpitz’s keel, X6 hit an obstruction, and Cameron, thinking that they must have struck the net on the far side, decided to check his position. X6 came up under Tirpitz’s port bow and manoeuvred astern, bringing the Midget Submarine to a position abreast “B” turret, where her four-ton amatol charges were released. With a useless periscope there was little possibility of reaching the open sea and so Cameron gave the order to scuttle X6 and give themselves up. Under a hail of small arms fire, Goddard threw open the hatch and, followed by Kendall, Lorimer and Cameron, stepped aboard a German launch into captivity.

In an interview many years later for the B.B.C. documentary ‘Target Tirpitz’, Eddie Goddard recalled:
‘We were taken on board
Tirpitz’s quarter-deck and told to empty all our pockets, which we did. Then we were taken below, and put in a corridor, and I heard lots of clanging of chains and whatnot, and I thought, oh dear, they’re going to move the ship before our charges go off. Eventually the charges did go off, which shook us a bit; all the lights went off, and a foam extinguisher started to pour forth on my German guard who didn’t like it very much. He grabbed me by the neck, and we went up on deck, and I was very disturbed the ship didn’t appear to be sinking.

‘They lined us up before a group of guards with tommy guns; they were all very hostile and murmured Schweinhund and other things. Then an interpreter came along and asked us how many boats were there and so on, but we just gave them our names and numbers. He got very annoyed and said that if we didn’t play, he’d have to shoot us. He pointed at Lorimer and said to me, if you don’t give me the information, I shall have to shoot your comrade too. Oh, well, I said, you just go ahead and shoot him.’

Meanwhile Place had successfully laid X7’s charges, but his attempt to escape was fraught with misadventure. He tried frantically to get through the net but X7 was still stuck in it when the charges went off at 8.12 a.m. The impact in fact blew her clear of the nets but her compasses and diving guages were out of action, and the boat was difficult to control and broke surface several times, whereupon Tirpitz’s guns opened fire and inflicted damage on her hull and periscope. As X7 sat on the bottom with almost all her high-pressure air exhausted, Place decided there was just enough air for one more trip to the surface and that he must abandon the craft. So X7 surfaced about 500 yards off Tirpitz’s starboard, whereupon Place got out and began to wave a white sweater. Unfortunately water lapped into X7 and in her low state of buoyancy it was enough to send her to the bottom. Place was taken prisoner, as was Sub-Lieutenant Aitken, who made a miraculous Davis Apparatus escape three hours later, but Lieutenant Whittam and E.R.A. Whitley were drowned.

The exact fate of Henty-Creer’s X5 is uncertain but it would seem that he reached a position 500 yards from the outside of the inner net and was sighted on the surface from Tirpitz at 8.43 a.m., after the charges had detonated, and was sunk by gunfire and depth charges, all of her crew being killed.

Cameron, Place, Goddard and the other survivors became prisoners of war and were lucky to escape execution under Hitler’s notorious ‘Commando’ order. The Tirpitz was badly damaged and would be no menace to our convoys for many months. The explosion had lifted her 50,000 tons bodily about five feet. All three main engines were damaged. One generator-room, the wireless telegraphy rooms, and range-finding gear were put out of action. Two main turrets, the anti-aircraft control station and the port rudder all suffered varying degrees of damage which put them out of commission, and about 500 tons of icy fjord waters flooded through the ruptured hull of the battleship. Despite this serious damage, the six survivors of the X-craft crews were all well treated aboard their victim, where their bravery was greatly admired. They made their way slowly through Norway to Dulag Nord in Germany for a dose of solitary confinement and interrogation, and then to Marlag-Milag Nord prisoner-of-war camp, near Bremen, on 28 November.

In March 1945, when P.O.W.’s were being marched from Marlag-Milag Nord, to Lubeck, in the face of the Russian advance, Goddard and two others took advantage of a bend in the road and a nearby wood to break away unseen. After surviving for more than a week on the run, they passed through the German lines, having swum the Wummer River in winter with their clothes on their heads, and were found by advancing British troops.

A very full account of Goddard’s part in the attack on the Tirpitz, and especially of his subsequent imprisonment, interrogation and escape can be found on the following link:

Also announced in the London Gazette dated 22 February 1944, were the awards of the Victoria Cross to Lieutenants Cameron and Place, and of the Distinguished Service Order to the remaining surviving officers. Goddard was presented with his C.G.M. by the King at an investiture at Buckingham Palace on 22 June 1945.

After the war Goddard worked at the Newbury Diesel Company as a commissioning and troubleshooting engineer and later as manager of the Reading branch of C. W. Glover.. He died at Tilehurst, Berkshire, in 1992.

Sold with a file of copied research, including various photographic images of the recipient.