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Sold between 15 March & 20 June 2006
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Lawrence Godfrey Burr
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20 June 2006
One Pound (9), all 1976-83, ZB 133201-03 replacements (3); HB prefix notes (6) (JN 253; Pick 11a) [9]. Replacements good very fine to extremely fine, others uncirculated (£40-50)
Hammer Price: £30
One Pound, Five Pounds, Ten Pounds and Twenty Pounds [all 1978], Franklin Mint set (Pick CS1) [4]. Uncirculated (£30-40)
Hammer Price: £20
Five Pounds (3), all 1976-83, AB 000133, BB 999999, CB 968427 (JN 254; Pick 12a) [3]. First uncirculated, others extremely fine and better (£40-60)
Five Pounds (7), all 1976-83 specimens, a full set of prefixes AB-GB with 000000 numbers and specimen stamped across fronts (JN 254A; Pick 12s); L. May, Five Pounds (3), all 1983-9 specimens, HB, JB and KB with 000000 numbers and specimen stamped across fronts (JN 254A; Pick 12s) [10]. About uncirculated to uncirculated (£80-100)
Hammer Price: £120
Five Pounds (3), all 1976-83, DB 000001, DB 000002, EB 000002 (JN 254; Pick 12a) [3]. Uncirculated (£80-100)
Hammer Price: £80
Five Pounds (2), both 1976-83, FB 000010, GB 000010 (JN 254; Pick 12a) [2]. Uncirculated (£40-50)
Hammer Price: £70
Five Pounds, 1976-83, GB 399991 (JN 254; Pick 12a); L. May, Five Pounds (2), both 1983-9, GB 400010, GB 999999 (JN 254; Pick 12b) [3]. First about uncirculated, others uncirculated (£40-60)
Hammer Price: £55
Five Pounds, 1976-83, ZB 024588 replacement (JN 254; Pick 12a); L. May, Five Pounds, 1983-9, ZB 154335 replacement (JN 254; Pick 12b) [2]. First extremely fine, second uncirculated (£40-60)
Hammer Price: £25
Ten Pounds (2), both 1976-83, AB 000060, BB 443205 (JN 255; Pick 13a) [2]. First uncirculated, second nearly so (£60-80)
Ten Pounds (4), all 1976-83 specimens, AB, BB, CB and DB prefixes, all 000000, stamped specimen across fronts (JN 255A; Pick 13s) [4]. Uncirculated (£60-80)
Hammer Price: £65
Ten Pounds (2), both 1976-83, CB 000002, CB 000010 (JN 255; Pick 13a) [2]. Uncirculated (£60-80)
Hammer Price: £50
Ten Pounds (3), all 1976-83, DB 000010, DB 899999, DB 900000 (JN 255; Pick 13a); L. May, Ten Pounds (2), both 1983-9, DB 900010, DB 1000000 (JN 255; Pick 13b) [5]. Third good extremely fine, last about uncirculated, others uncirculated; a superb run of this split prefix (£200-250)
Hammer Price: £170
Ten Pounds (3), all 1976-83, DB 899865, DB 899867, ZB 066851 replacement (JN 255; Pick 13a) [3]. Last extremely fine, others uncirculated (£80-100)
Ten Pounds, 1976-83, ZB 002744 replacement (JN 255; Pick 13a). Good extremely fine (£40-60)
Twenty Pounds, 1976-83, AB 000009 (JN 256; Pick 14a). Uncirculated (£140-180)
Twenty Pounds, 1976-83, AB 000025 (JN 256; Pick 14a). Uncirculated (£90-120)
Twenty Pounds, 1976-83, AB 749991 (JN 256; Pick 14a). Good extremely fine (£40-50)
Twenty Pounds, 1976-83 specimen, AB 000000 (JN 256A; Pick 14s); L. May, Twenty Pounds (2), both 1983-9 specimens, AB 000000, AC 000000 (JN 256A; Pick 14s) [3]. Uncirculated (£60-80)
Twenty Pounds, 1976-83, ZB 001303 replacement (JN 256; Pick 14a). Uncirculated (£80-100)
One Pound (9), all 1983-9, MB 000010, MB 1000000, NB, PB, QB, RB, SB and TB all 000010, TB 999969 (JN 253; Pick 11b) [9]. Uncirculated (£150-200)
Hammer Price: £130
One Pound (7), all 1983-9 specimens, a full set of prefixes MB-TB, stamped specimen across fronts (JN 253; Pick 11s) [7]. Uncirculated (£30-40)
Hammer Price: £40
Five Pounds (4), all 1983-9, HB 000010, JB 000010, KB 000010, KB 400000 (JN 254; Pick 12a) [4]. Third and fourth about uncirculated, others uncirculated (£80-100)
Ten Pounds (3), all 1983-9, DB 999759, DB 999761, ZB 097940 replacement (JN 255; Pick 13b) [3]. About uncirculated to uncirculated (£80-100)
Hammer Price: £60
Ten Pounds (3), all 1983-9, DB 999809, DB 999811, ZB 097941 replacement (JN 255; Pick 13b) [3]. About uncirculated to uncirculated (£80-100)
Ten Pounds (3), all 1983-9, DB 999821, DB 999823, ZB 097942 replacement (JN 255; Pick 13b) [3]. About uncirculated to uncirculated (£80-100)
Ten Pounds (3), all 1983-9, DB 999886, DB 999888, ZB 097943 replacement (JN 255; Pick 13b) [3]. About uncirculated to uncirculated (£80-100)
Ten Pounds (4), all 1983-9, EB 000010, FB 000010, GB 000010, GB 899991 (JN 255; Pick 13b) [4]. Uncirculated (£150-200)
Ten Pounds (3), all 1983-9 specimens, EB, FB and GB prefixes, all 000000, stamped specimen across fronts (JN 255A; Pick 13s) [3]. Uncirculated (£40-50)
Hammer Price: £45
Ten Pounds, 1983-9, ZB 109045 replacement (JN 255; Pick 13b). Uncirculated (£40-60)
Twenty Pounds, 1983-9, AB 750010 (JN 256; Pick 14b). Uncirculated (£40-60)
Twenty Pounds, 1983-9, AB 999999 (JN 256; Pick 14b). Good extremely fine (£80-100)
Twenty Pounds, 1983-9, AC 000010 (JN 256; Pick 14b). Uncirculated (£60-80)
Twenty Pounds, 1983-9, AC 500000 (JN 256; Pick 14b). About uncirculated (£60-80)
One Pound, Five Pounds, Ten Pounds, Twenty Pounds and Fifty Pounds, 1989-93, all AC 000010 (Pick 15a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a) [5]. An uncirculated set (£150-200)
Hammer Price: £200
One Pound (7), all 1989-93 specimens, a full set of prefixes AC-GC with 000000 numbers, stamped specimen (Pick 15s); Five Pounds (2), both 1989-93 specimens, prefixes AC and BC, 000000 numbers, stamped specimen (Pick 16s) [9]. Uncirculated (£40-50)
One Pound, Five Pounds and Ten Pounds, 1989-93, all BC 000010; Five Pounds, 1989-93, BC 999999 (Pick 15a, 16a, 17a, 18a) [4]. Uncirculated (£40-60)
One Pound (6), all 1989-93, CC 000010, DC 000009, DC 1000000, EC 000010, FC 000010, FC 1000000 (Pick 15a) [6]. Uncirculated (£40-60)
Hammer Price: £230
One Pound (2), both 1989-93, GC 000010, GC 499984 (Pick 15a); G. Baird, One Pound, 1993, GC 500010 (Pick 21a) [3]. Uncirculated (£30-40)
One Pound, Five Pounds and Twenty Pounds, all 1989-93, CZ replacements (Pick 15a, 16a, 18a) [3]. First uncirculated, others with count crease, good extremely fine (£60-80)
Ten Pounds (4), all 1989-93, AC, BC, CC and DC with 000000 numbers, stamped specimen (Pick 17s); G. Baird, Ten Pounds (9), EC, FC, GC, HC, JC, KC, LC, MC and NC with 000000 numbers, stamped specimen (Pick 22s) [13]. Uncirculated (£60-80)
Hammer Price: £150
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