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Sold on 1 October 2009
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1 October 2009
Five Pounds, 179–, uniface Proof on heavy paper, Promise to pay Mr Abm. Newland; together with a written tribute [2]. Worn edges with a few splits, adhesive stains [from the note and written tribute being stuck together], very good, rare £500-600
One Pound, 1 January 1821, no. 96896, on paper, Promise to pay to Mr. Hy. Hase or bearer, printed signature of Rippon at bottom, back printed in perfect register. Trimmed to border and a few tiny holes, otherwise good fine to very fine £150-180
Hammer Price: £120
One Pound, undated, on paper, Promise to pay to Mr. Hy. Hase or bearer, printed signature of Rippon at bottom, back printed in perfect register. Foxing, otherwise good very fine to about extremely fine £200-250
Hammer Price: £170
One Pound, undated, uniface on paper, Promise to pay to Mr. Hy. Hase or bearer, printed signature of Rippon at bottom. Patch of foxing at upper right, otherwise good very fine to about extremely fine £200-250
One Pound, undated, printed on bank watermarked paper, Promise to pay to Mr. Hy Hase or bearer, printed signature of Rippon at bottom, back printed in perfect register. Tiny piece out of top right corner tip, otherwise about extremely fine £300-350
One Pound, undated, proof on light card, no. 1A, Promise to pay to Mr. Henry Hase or bearer, seated allegorical women representing England, Ireland and Scotland with cherubs at top centre, small vignettes of George IV and Britannia at sides. Good extremely fine £300-400
Hammer Price: £230
One Pound, 17 November 1819, proof on light card, no. 1B, Promise to pay to Mr.Henry Hase or bearer, seated allegorical women representing England, Ireland and Scotland with cherubs at top centre, small vignettes of Britannia at sides. A few spots, otherwise extremely fine £300-400
One Pound, undated, proof on light card, no. 2, Promise to pay to Mr. Henry Hase or bearer, Neptune driving sea horses at top centre, small vignettes of Britannia and female cameo head at sides. Missing piece at top right, paper scrape and a few spots, otherwise about extremely fine £80-100
Hammer Price: £55
One Pound, undated, proof on paper, Promise to pay to Mr. Henry Hase or bearer, Neptune driving sea horses at top centre, Britannia standing at top left. A couple of nicks and a 10mm tear in top edge, otherwise good very fine £200-250
Hammer Price: £140
One Pound, 3 February 1819, T.C. Hansard’s Plan for a Typographic Bank Note, uniface, on paper, Promise to pay, warning lines around central panel of penalties for uttering or possession of a forged note, classical vignettes at sides. Good extremely fine £150-180
One Pound, undated, proof on light card, Promise to pay Mr. Henry Hase or bearer, seated woman with globe and cornucopia at centre. A few spots, otherwise extremely fine £180-220
Hammer Price: £130
One Pound, undated, uniface on paper, probably for the reverse, head of Mercury at centre. About extremely fine £200-250
Hammer Price: £160
Five Pounds, 25 June 1821, no. 1239, uniface on elaborate bank watermarked paper, mostly drawn by hand, Promise to pay Mr. Mattw. Marshall on demand. Good very fine, rare £1,200-1,500
Hammer Price: £1,600
Five Pounds, 23 June 1842, no. 34879, uniface on watermarked paper, Promise to pay the bearer, allegorical border with heads of William and Mary at upper centre. A few spots and tiny holes, otherwise very fine to good very fine, rare £1,500-2,000
Hammer Price: £1,200
Five Pounds, 1 April 1846, uniface on light paper, Promise to pay to Mr. Mathw. Marshall or bearer. Extremely fine £180-220
Ten Pounds, 1 May 1822, uniface on paper, Promise to pay Mr. Hase or bearer, vignette of George IV at left. A few spots and paper scrapes on back, otherwise about extremely fine, rare £800-1,000
Twenty Pounds, undated, uniface on light card. A few spots, otherwise extremely fine £200-250
One Hundred Pounds, 1 January 1856, uniface on watermarked paper, Promise to pay the bearer on demand, printed signature of Henry Bradbury at lower centre. Good very fine £300-350
Hammer Price: £220
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co, 1 May 1870, Fifty Dollars, uniface on paper issued from 12-14 Fetter Lane, London. Mount marks on back, cut across top left corner and a 10mm tear in bottom edge, otherwise good fine £60-80
Hammer Price: £110
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co, 1 May 1870, Fifty Dollars, uniface on paper issued from Farringdon Road, London. A few pinholes, otherwise very fine £120-150
Hammer Price: £200
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co, Bigletti de Banca, issued from Farringdon Road, London. Good very fine £120-150
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co, La Banca Irlanda, 1 Gennajo 1870, Cento Lire. Good very fine £120-150
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co Ltd, c. 1953, Lord Nelson at upper right and ships at bottom left, company printing works on back. About uncirculated £60-80
Hammer Price: £150
Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Ltd, 1954-5, notes in blue and orange-brown (2), Lord Nelson and ships at right, heraldic dolphin and stylised head of Mercury on back [2]. Uncirculated £80-100
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co Ltd, uniface proofs of backs in violet (2), one with Ceres, other with goddess on cloud [2]. Good extremely fine £80-100
William Congreve, proofs on paper of Duty Stamps used on the backs of provincial notes, one with ’Sir William Congreve’s protection against Forgery’ written across top [2]. Extremely fine £120-150
Hammer Price: £270
W.H. Lizars, vignettes (9), mostly cut from proof notes, including different portraits of Victoria (2) and Prince Albert (3) [9]. Some with spots of foxing, otherwise extremely fine £120-150
Hammer Price: £95
Murray, Fairman & Co, Philadelphia, 1821, ‘This Specimen of an improved plan for preventing forgeries of Bank Notes respectfully submitted to the Banking Institutions of the United States’, 335 x 215mm. Very fine; mounted on backing paper £200-250
Hammer Price: £190
W. Palmer & Co, partial proofs on light card for One and Five Pounds [2]. First good very fine, second with a few spots, otherwise extremely fine £80-100
Perkins, Fairman & Heath, Sideographic Specimen of the Plan for preventing the forgery of Bank Notes, on paper with further designs on back in blue and grey. Good extremely fine £150-180
Perkins, Bacon & Co, uniface proof on card, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at top right and left. Two mount marks on back, otherwise good extremely fine £80-100
Hammer Price: £65
Perkins, Bacon & Co, One Pound Bankers Specimen, on paper in blue and white with counterfoil, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at top right and left. Small piece out of counterfoil, otherwise good extremely fine £180-220
Hammer Price: £180
Perkins, Bacon & Co, Five Pounds Bankers Specimen, on paper in blue and white with pale yellow underprint, FIVE across centre, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at top right and left. Good very fine to extremely fine £200-250
T.H. Saunders & Co, printed Invicta Bank Note Paper ‘Specially prepared to stand folding and hard usage in any climate’; together with a specimen of watermarked paper [2]. Good extremely fine £80-100
Charles Skipper & East, The Banking Company, will pay the Bearer Five Dollars Sterling. Good extremely fine £120-150
Waterlow & Sons Ltd, Great Winchester Street, London. Good extremely fine £120-150
Waterlow & Sons Ltd, note with Sir Philip Waterlow at centre, company information on back. Good extremely fine £60-80
Hammer Price: £75
Waterlow & Sons Ltd, 1947-8, note with Yeoman Warder at left and Tower of London in background. Extremely fine £40-60
Waterlow & Sons Ltd, 1949, note with George III at top right and printing offices at Carpenters Hall at centre. Good extremely fine £40-60
Hammer Price: £85
Whitehead, Morris & Co Ltd, One Pound, specimen of New Security Note. Extremely fine £150-180
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